Saturday, May 2, 2015

Re: Deadline 04 May - UKPN IGS EC Support

Hi all,

I sent an email earlier regarding IGS EC Support--this was only supposed to go to the UKPN Committee and not to the general public. 

My apologies--please disregard the email!


On 2 May 2015, at 20:31, TJ Young wrote:

Hi all,

As you all remember, we have decided to provide £500 to IGS for EC Support and it's time to choose who gets our support. I've collated the basic information for the 31 applicants, 22 of which are eligible (the 9 that were ineligible either graduated before 2012 or didn't provide all the required info). 

Yes, £500 isn't going to cover nearly enough, but we are working on obtaining sponsorships from corporations that would like to advertise at the event to get more ECS funding. 

I realise this is a little short on notice, but please let me know what criteria we should base our selection on. I've considered looking at each member's past involvement with APECS/UKPN but this would result in us giving money to our 2 past presidents (i've removed names so you can't tell which ID they are). 

My best options at the moment are: 
- First come first serve
- Lowest (or highest) requested funding
- Highest number of publications 
- Best written motivation letters

(I have access to some more info that I haven't collated). 

Deadline to give LOC names is 5th May, so if you have any opinions, please let me know by 4th May!

Thanks all!



On 27 Nov 2014, at 11:05, Sammie Buzzard wrote:

Ok my vote would be definitely give them £500- I can see it would be a good thing to give money to but if we want to do the buffs or equivalent and still have a decent sized amount of money for when we want to hold our next event then we probably shouldn't give much more. If you think £1000 would be better we should be ok though given that some money is due to come in so I'm happy either way.


On 11/27/14 10:19, TJ Young wrote:
Hi both,

Any more thoughts from the last email? Sorry to bring this up again so soon--the 2nd circular is coming out and I'd like to get back to the LOC before it gets released. 


On 20 Nov 2014, at 10:15, TJ Young <> wrote:

Hi Sammie, Laura,

Thanks for being on the ball with this!

That's true that this does fit in with our agenda. Would something around £500 to £1000 be a good amount? The figure just came from my head, so that isn't based on any formula or accounting. Once we have one number one of us can email the com. 

Re merchandise, SPRI is out of UKPN mugs so I will be restocking those as well. Laura, buffs are a great idea and I need a new one for Svalbard in February! Can you forward to us your latest exchange with Buffs (the company)? I remember something around £12 for a buff but I can't be certain about that number. 

On 19 Nov 2014, at 10:34, Sammie Buzzard <> wrote:


Thanks for confirming this Laura. I don't see any problem with the T&S money coming out of UKPN for now you guys shouldn't have to be out of pocket for it!

I agree that it may be good to give something to IGS it does after all fit in with the UKPN objective of support for early career polar researchers, but I'm not entirely sure what we do get out of it- would it be worth running it by the rest of the committee to see if they have any ideas?

I'm not aware of anything else that the money is being earmarked for so I think buffs or similar would be a very good idea- they seemed to be a popular idea from what I remember from Science & Society.


On 11/19/14 09:50, Laura Hobbs wrote:

Yep, that should be for FCO funding. We will have another invoice to come in next year which will cover the expenses for T&S for Liz, TJ and I for Dundee, and again for the next two events. I hope this is OK to "float" through the UKPN accounts until we get the money back. 

Yes, I think £5000 is too much. We could offer some sort of IGSoc sponsorship, but we need to think about what we get out of it. Would be a great thing to do, though! The accounts are looking healthy, is any of this money earmarked for anything, Sammie? 

Also ,if we do have spare cash. What about finally getting round to investing in buffs or something to sell at workshops etc.?


Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association of Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-
T: 07854 319223

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 7:46 PM, TJ Young <> wrote:
Hi Sammie,

Many thanks for following up on this. Laura, what do you think? It's a bit out of our budget to provide the £5000 IGSoc were asking for but do you think we should provide some relief to early-career researchers?


On 12 Nov 2014, at 11:34, Sammie Buzzard wrote:

Hi TJ,    This is the latest from Nicola in relation to our accounts, looks like we have (or will have!) a little more than I was initially told. Do we know if SPRI have come back with anything?     Laura- just checking is the FCO invoice in relation to Science and Society?      Thanks,  Sammie        "Apologies for the delay, I have been waiting for our Finance team to get back to me. The current balance on the account is £5,017.88.    We are still waiting for the invoice sent to the FCO back in June to be paid and I sent an email yesterday to enquire about the status of this. This was for £2516.    Also, we have some T and S still to come out - this is for Laura Hobbs and Liz Pasteur and I am currently getting these processed."    
   ******************************************************  PhD Student- Centre for Polar Observation & Modelling  Room 2U08, Department of Meteorology  University of Reading    ******************************************************

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