Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Post-doc position at University Bristol: Antarctic mass balance

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Postdoctoral Research position in Antarctic Mass Balance estimation from EO data (Resolving Antarctic ice mass TrEndS: RATES)

The aim of this project is to produce a reconstruction of Antarctic mass trends, by combining complementary measurements from (i) radar and laser altimetry, (ii) satellite gravity measurements (GRACE), and (iii) bedrock vertical motion from GPS, using a Bayesian statistical framework. The synthesis will also provide an estimate of glacio-isostatic adjustment that is data driven.
A background in some aspect of environmental sciences is desirable.  You should have experience in the analysis, interpretation, and visualisation of satellite datasets such as altimetry, GRACE and/or GPS.  
If successful, you may be appointed either on a fixed-term or a permanent contract depending on the extent of your previous relevant research experience. Further information can be found at The funding for the post is for 18 months. Further particulars can be found in the link below
Interviews are likely to be held in the week commencing 24th March, and the expected start date is May/June. Informal enquires welcome.

Contact: Professor JL Bamber
Tel: 0117 331 4129

--   ______________________________________________________________________      Prof. J.L. Bamber                       tel: 44-(0)117-331-4129  Bristol Glaciology Centre,              fax: 44-(0)117-928-7878  School of Geographical Sciences,        email:  University of Bristol,  University Road,  Bristol, BS8 1SS, UK.    The Cryosphere        Google Scholar  ISI Researcher ID    _____________________________________________________________________

Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network