Friday, August 30, 2013

UKPN events in Loughborough 3 - 4th September

Dear All,

If you are coming to Loughborough next week for IGS-BB don't forget to register for the Polar Film Festival on Tuesday evening: You can come if you're not attending IGS too!

Also, the UKPN mentor panel "To the viva and beyond" will take place at 16:30 on 4th September. This is of course particularly relevant for postgraduates, but anyone (supervisors?) is welcome to attend – and contribute.
Panel members: Nick Rutter, Simon Carr, Laura Edwards, Anne Le Brocq and John Woodward. Chair: Tom Matthews If you can't make it, follow the discussion on Twitter @ukpolarnetwork

Hopefully see you in Loughborough,

Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network