Tuesday, March 26, 2013

PhD studentship - snow vegetation modelling

PhD studentships are advertised below in snow vegetation modelling. 

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Northumbria are currently in the process of advertising PhD studentships for uptake in September 2013 http://www.northumbria.ac.uk/researchandconsultancy/graduateschool/studentships/fee/

One of the studentships being advertised is on: Assessing uncertainty in snow modelling of forest gaps and edges.

Brief project description:
Snowpacks have a strong influence on climatological and hydrological fluxes between the land and the atmosphere. As approximately 19% of Northern Hemisphere snow overlaps boreal forest, the ability to accurately model spatial variability of energy fluxes within forest gaps and edges is of increasing importance as forests respond to: 1) climatic change, 2) disturbance by fire or insect infestation, and 3) commercial timber management. Spatially distributed measurements of energy fluxes at forest edges and within forest gaps will be made throughout two winters at field sites near Davos, Switzerland. This will be augmented by remotely sensed measurements of forest canopy thermal properties and physical structures using an unmanned airborne vehicle (UAV). In combination, this will allow evaluation of process representation and spatial scaling of energy fluxes within forest gaps and edges in model land-surface schemes.

Studentships are being advertised on a competitive basis across the faculty, we anticipate they will be awarded to students with good first degrees and completed masters degrees. If you know of anyone in the UKPN who you think might be interested in this opportunity I would be grateful if you could bring this to their attention. For any further details please feel free to email me on nick.rutter@northumbria.ac.uk

Many thanks,

Dr Nick Rutter
Department of Geography
Northumbria University
Ellison Building
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 191 227 4735
Fax: +44 (0) 191 227 3519
e-mail: nick.rutter@northumbria.ac.uk

Ella Darlington
President, UK Polar Network