Sunday, August 26, 2012

Super September UKPN Events


We have a host of exciting events lined up in September throughout the UK, from public outreach to events specifically for you, early career scientists. What a great way to start the new academic year!   

British Science Festival 4th-9th September, Aberdeen:
4th Sept: The future of our Polar Regions: What must we do and how can science help? Public debate, free to attend. 
8th and 9th Sept: Frozen Science: Life and work at polar extremes. Public event, £5 entry (adult) to the festival
4th-7th Sept: UKPN education and Outreach: We will be running 'polar classes' for local school children. If you are in the area and would like to help, please contact Laura Hobbs

International Glaciology Society- British Branch 5th September, Aberdeen:
UKPN Mentor Panel: "Conquering Fieldwork". Come and hear about the art of undertaking glaciology fieldwork, from planning to execution. This is a fantastic opportunity to ask the experts for advice and find out top-tips so you don't get snowed under! Our confirmed panellists are: Alison Cook (U.Swansea), Brice Rea (U.Aberdeen), Andy Smith (BAS) and Andrew Sole (U.Sheffield).

UK Antarctic Sciences Conference, 13th September, Cambridge:
UKPN Mentor Panel: "Publishing your work". Find out all there is to know about getting your work published, from choosing the right journal to how to become a reviewer yourself. Our confirmed panellists are: Eric Wolff (BAS), Jane Francis (U.Leeds), David Vaughan (BAS), Karen Heywood (U.Southampton), Tom Bracegirdle (BAS) and Lloyd Peck (BAS).

Science Uncovered at the Natural History Museum 'After Hours', 28th September 16:00-23:00, London: FREE
Exploring living and working in Antarctica, the UKPN are exposing polar science to the public. With a display of field equipment and scientific exhibits, we will be answering questions and highlighting the importance of our exciting work. In addition, you will be able to ask questions to those overwintering at Rothera research station, via a conference call!


Scott's Last Expedition at the Natural History Museum, London. The final day of this inspiring and fascinating exhibit is 2nd September.

BBC2 Operation Iceberg, to be aired on 9th and 16th September. UKPN member Povl Abrahamsen has been helping the BBC team on their quest to follow the spectacular story of an Arctic iceberg. 

We look forward to seeing you at one of these events!

UKPN committee

Ella Darlington
President, UK Polar Network