Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Antarctica Day 2011

Get involved with Antarctica Day 2011!  Have a Frozen Planet party, give a talk in a school or your department- we would love to hear what you get up to. Please see the message below from Julie for more ideas, fliers and how to prepare for Antarctica Day 2012!


Dear UKPN members,

I invite you to share your knowledge and enthusiasm for Antarctica with others on Antarctic Day December 1st. This is the day when the Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959, and adopted "with the interests of science, and the progress of all mankind." Run in collaboration with APECS, it is sponsored by the Foundation for Good Governance of International Spaces (  Each year we plan to build a broader network - to raise awareness about Antarctica and to celebrate this milestone of peace in our civilization with hope and inspiration for future generations.


We would love UKPN members to get involved! You can help others appreciate the importance of the science & international cooperation by organizing a lecture or outreach event at a school or in your community on that day. You can launch a virtual balloon from wherever you are to show that you love Antarctica ( You could even just have some friends over and watch an Antarctic-related movie or documentary (Encounters at the End of the World, Frozen Planet, or The Day After Tomorrow...whatever works for you). Look for more great ideas and teaching resources (from many countries) at or on our 2011 flier. And if you do have an event, please let us know about it and send along a couple photos, too!

And - looking forwards to Antarctica Day 2012 - we are building resources and power point presentations in many different languages are needed. If you would be interested in helping with educational outreach in your country for next year, I welcome you to contact me, Julie Hambrook Berkman ( If you could quickly send me answers to the six questions below it will help me in preparing for next year.

  • What country are you working in?
  • What is the language of your country?
  • What months are the public schools in session during the year?
  • Where does December 1st fall in relation to student activities?
  • Do you have a power point or other set of materials that you could use to give an Antarctica Day presentation in the language of the country that you live in?
  •  Would you be interested in helping to coordinate activities in your country or where ever you are going to be next year?


Thank you,



Julie A Hambrook Berkman, PhD

Managing Director

Foundation for the Good Governance of International Spaces (Our Spaces)

38 Conduit Head Rd.

Cambridge CB3 0EY, UK

Mobile 44 (0)7800 589 163

FAX 44 (0) 1763836 321

Charity registration no.1131454

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