Monday, September 19, 2011

International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic (INTERACT)

Dear UKPN members,

I wanted to bring to everybody's attention the International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic (INTERACT).   This is a new multi-year EU FP7 funded project with the aim to improve collaborative research across the arctic region.

The network consists of 32 research sites from nine countries located in and around the arctic and sub-arctic. For those seeking to undertake research in the region, funding through the INTERACT Transnational Access scheme is available to visit 18 of the 32 sites (please visit for more information).

Another important part of the project is to deliver a web-based outreach tool to communicate about scientific research and environmental issues in the Arctic. In order for us to better understand what people may want to see on, and how they may use such a website we are encouraging people to undertaking a very short survey which can be found at We would be hugely appreciative if you could find a couple of minutes to give us your thoughts.

I will happily attempt to field any questions you may have about INTERACT, although you may get better information by visiting the website in the first instance, or by contacting project work package leaders directly (

All the best,
Chris Andrews
Ecologist, CEH Edinburgh