Thursday, August 11, 2011

Free course for early career researchers on working with school teachers and learners

Dear UKPN,

This was sent out to my department list, but I thought it might be of wider interest.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: []
Sent: 03 August 2011 17:00
To: Jane Wilkinson
Subject: Free course for early career researchers on working with school teachers and learners


The National Science Learning Centre is offering a free course for early career researchers who may be interested in working with a school teachers and learners.  The course is entitled" Science Communication for a School Teacher Audience". The courses are to be held in held in York on 20-21 October 2011 and with a recall on 10-11 May 2012. The courses are primarily aimed at "early career" researchers i.e. finishing PhD, postdoctoral researchers and fellows. People in equivalent positions in industry are also welcome.

To apply, e-mail making sure that NAC11151 shows in the subject line. Briefly describe (max. 400 words):

      why you want to develop your outreach skills for teachers and/or young people

      what you think teachers and learners could gain from you

      your commitment to attending both residential periods of the event


Further information on the courses and how to register is available online at