Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fwd: "Open Nottingham" bursaries for OSGIS 2011

Hi All,

Some info about the OpenSource GIS meeting in Nottingham that may be of interest


-------- Original Message --------
 Dear all,

As part of CGS's collaboration with "Open Nottingham" initiative, we are
pleased to announce 10 "Open Nottingham" bursaries for excellent
students to participate in OSGIS 2011. This is part of CGS strong
commitment to actively support, widen and promote Open Nottingham
initiative . More details of Open Nottingham at

The "Open Nottingham" bursaries will cover the cost of registration fees
to participate in OSGIS 2011 and are open for students from any UK
universities (both postgraduate and undergraduate) . Applicants should
email their one page CV and brief statement of their open source
work/interest to
<> with subject header "Open
Nottingham bursary application". The deadline for application is 30 May
2011. The winners will be notified on 3rd June 2011.

This year's OSGIS Keynote presentations are:

*"Open Nottingham- Knowledge without borders"* - Professor Christine
Ennew (Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Nottingham) & Prof. Wyn Morgan
(University of Nottingham)

*"The impact of open data, open source software and open standards on
the evolution of National SDIs"* -Professor Mike Jackson, Director,
Centre for Geospatial Science

OSGIS 2011 Keynote address - Professor Thierry Badard (Laval University,

*OGC-OSGeo Interoperability Day* (Organised by Tyler Mitchell, Executive
Director, Open Source Geospatial Foundation)

*OSGIS 2011 Workshops include*

# One Geology Workshop - (British Geological Survey)

# Geoserver Workshop - (GeoSolutions, Italy)

# Consuming and Publishing Ordnance Survey Open Data with Open Source
software Workshop - (Astun Technology, UK)

# WMS/QGIS Workshop - (Faunalia,UK)

# Open Gov Workshop - (Horizon Digital Economy Research, University of
Nottingham and Creative Commons)

# gvSIG Technology Sessions- gvSIG Association, Spain [As part of gvSIG
Day on 22nd June 2011]

More details at

We look forward to welcoming you for joining us in our vision and
mission on further building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open data

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand

Dr Suchith Anand//

Centre for Geospatial Science
The Nottingham Geospatial Building

University of Nottingham NG7 2 TU
Tel: (0)115 82 32750

Mission - Building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data research
for bridging the digital divide