Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Fwd: Research Data Visualisation Workshop


Allen Pope (UKPN President, 2011-2012) wanted to share an opportunity with us: the event is being hosted by the Software Sustainability Institute which has had quite a few polar fellows in past years.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Raniere Silva <raniere.silva@software.ac.uk>
Subject: [fellows-all] Research Data Visualisation Workshop

Dear Software Sustainability Institute Fellows,

We are pleased to announce the Research Data Visualisation Workshop, it will take place on July 28th, 2016 at the University of Manchester. There will be some presentations on the state of data visualisation in different domains (social science, medical informatics, geographic information system) during the morning. There will be time for networking during breaks and hands-on sessions in the afternoon. In the hands-on session attendees will have the opportunity to create their own visualisations using their own data on a platform of their choice (Python, R, MATLAB and Javascript).

For further details, please visit http://software.ac.uk./rdvw.

To attend, please register at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/research-data-visualisation-workshop-tickets-25927808774?aff=AllFellows.

Please, also promote this event to your network.

Thank you,
Raniere Silva
Community Officer
Software Sustainability Institute