NERC is currently evaluating its data centres and the request below seeks views from the user community through a short online questionnaire. Of most relevance to UKPN is the UK Polar Data Centre (hosted at BAS) though there may be other datasets that you might use. Please see more information below.
The online questionnaire can be found at and note the short deadline (10th June).
Request for views on the service provided by NERC's Data Centres by 10th June 2016
We are writing to ask for your views on the services provided by Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC's) data centres. We would be grateful if you could complete a short questionnaire (, which should only take a few minutes. The data centres are listed below.
Your views are an important part of an evaluation of the quality of the service provided by the data centres, which we are doing in preparation for commissioning our ongoing data services. The evaluation will be conducted by an independent expert panel chaired by a member of NERC's Science Board.
Following the evaluation we will be conducting a forward-looking assessment of strategic need for the data centre services. Your views on needs and priorities for the data centre services will also be important at this stage, and we will invite responses again in the autumn. The assessment of strategic need, together with the evaluation report, will inform the specification of the ongoing data services.
We look forward to receiving your survey response by 10th June, thank you very much in advance. Please contact Emily Flowers ( if you have any queries.
NERC Environmental Data Centres
British Oceanography Data Centre (BODC)
Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA)*
Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC)**
National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC)***
Polar Data Centre (PDC)
* CEDA includes the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC), the NERC Earth Observation Data Centre (NEODC) and the UK Solar Systems Data Centre (UKSSDC)
**EIDC includes data for the Biological Records Centre (BRC); Environmental Change Network (ECN); and National River Flow Archive (NRFA)
***Based at the British Geological Survey
Request for views on the service provided by NERC's Data Centres by 10th June 2016
We are writing to ask for your views on the services provided by Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC's) data centres. We would be grateful if you could complete a short questionnaire (, which should only take a few minutes. The data centres are listed below.
Your views are an important part of an evaluation of the quality of the service provided by the data centres, which we are doing in preparation for commissioning our ongoing data services. The evaluation will be conducted by an independent expert panel chaired by a member of NERC's Science Board.
Following the evaluation we will be conducting a forward-looking assessment of strategic need for the data centre services. Your views on needs and priorities for the data centre services will also be important at this stage, and we will invite responses again in the autumn. The assessment of strategic need, together with the evaluation report, will inform the specification of the ongoing data services.
We look forward to receiving your survey response by 10th June, thank you very much in advance. Please contact Emily Flowers ( if you have any queries.
NERC Environmental Data Centres
British Oceanography Data Centre (BODC)
Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA)*
Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC)**
National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC)***
Polar Data Centre (PDC)
* CEDA includes the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC), the NERC Earth Observation Data Centre (NEODC) and the UK Solar Systems Data Centre (UKSSDC)
**EIDC includes data for the Biological Records Centre (BRC); Environmental Change Network (ECN); and National River Flow Archive (NRFA)
***Based at the British Geological Survey
TJ Young
Co-President (2015 - 2016), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge
Phone: +44 (0)1223 336574
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