Tuesday, June 7, 2016

DEADLINE 17th JUNE: UKPN & Antarctic Science Conference 4th-7th July


Dear Students,


The deadline for the 2016 ASC & UKPN meeting, hosted at the University of East Anglia, is fast approaching. Registrations close on 17th June 2016.


NERC are subsidising registration costs for PhD students attending the conference, up to the full cost of registration (depending on final numbers). To be eligible for reimbursement, bring along your proof of payment and submit this at the conference registration desk.


The UKPN event is free for anyone attending the ASC 2016. It will include the following workshops and social events:

·         Interactive workshop on ‘Getting the most out of conferences: building confidence and networks’ led by ECR career development experts

·         Outreach for Education workshop

·         ‘Getting Your Work Published’ session led by leading publishers and academics

·         Tours of UEA Sea Ice Chamber

·         Information about BAS logistics and fieldwork opportunities

·         Networking drinks reception

·         Social dinner in the historic city of Norwich


Conference registration includes refreshments and a conference BBQ. B&B accommodation on campus may be booked on the website at £40 per night or you may wish to make your own arrangements.


The website for registering, accommodation and abstract submission is: http://store.uea.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=2&deptid=28&catid=17&prodid=53


For students wishing to lower their travel footprint, you are also encouraged to join a team of cyclists making their way to the conference by bicycle! You can join anywhere along the route. For information, please contact Anna: a.belcher@noc.soton.ac.uk.


We look forward to welcoming you to Norwich in July!


Thank you!

The UKPN and Antarctic Science Conference Committee



Cecilia Liszka

PhD Student

British Antarctic Survey (University of East Anglia)

Room: 333c

Tel: 01223 22 1551




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