Friday, June 10, 2016

Anyone with Antarctica-related kit/resources for outreach event in Bristol?

Hi All,

Apologies for the mass e-mail, but this is a shameless plea for advice/assistance! 

I'm running an 'Antarctica' themed evening with a group of Rainbows (the 5-7 year-old Section of GirlGuiding) on the 23rd June, in the hope of inspiring a new generation of polar explorers and scientists... Although I've been to Antarctica myself and have lots of the obligatory penguin photos to show them, I'm hoping to lay my hands on some more interactive activities that they could get involved in. Does any one in the Bristol-area have any kit or resources that I could borrow for the evening? I'm looking for things along the lines of polar clothing or basic equipment, but ideas are also more than welcome!

Thank you very much!
Kim Pyle