Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Outreach Opportunity: East Sussex

Dear UKPN, 

We have been contacted by a year 3/4 teacher in Crowborough, East Sussex asking for someone to visit their school. They had a visit from a UKPN member two years ago, and thought it was great so have asked for another visit!

If anyone would be interested in taking part, please let me know. As always, we're happy to offer advice to anyone who is new to outreach or would like assistance with ideas and planning. 

Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association for Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-

Sunday, December 15, 2013

School visit request: Sheffield

Dear UKPN, 

We've had an email from a primary school teacher in Sheffield (Years One and Two - 5-7 years) who would like someone to visit them and talk to the classes about the Polar Regions in the new year. 

If you would be interested in doing this, please get in touch. I'd be happy to offer help or advice to anyone who is interested but who doesn't have much experience with working in schools. 

Please do contact me if you have any questions, 

Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association for Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-

Friday, December 6, 2013

FW: SET for BRITAIN 2014

Hello UKPN members,


See below details of a poster competition for early career scientists in STEM fields to be held in the House of Commons in March.

Note: Application deadline Friday Dec 20th!


Have a great weekend all,




Dr. Amélie Kirchgaessner FRMetS

British Antarctic Survey

email: amelie.kirchgaessner@bas.ac.uk

+44 (0)1223 211359



SET for Britain 2014 - Monday, 17th March 2014





From Andrew Miller MP

Chairman, Parliamentary and Scientific Committee


SET for BRITAIN 2014

Monday, 17th March 2014


Dear Members,


I am writing on behalf of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee to alert you to a major scientific competition and exhibition in Parliament and ask you to encourage eligible candidates in your organisation to take part.  SET for BRITAIN will be held in the House of Commons on Monday, 17th March 2014 between 12.15pm and 9.15pm during National Science and Engineering Week 2014.


The day will be divided into four subject categories over three sessions.   Applications are invited from early-stage and early-career research scientists, engineers, mathematicians and technologists who wish to exhibit posters in one of the following areas:




Biological and Biomedical Science

                                    Physical Sciences (Chemistry and Physics)


A wide range of important scientific and engineering institutions are lending their support to this event, including the Society of Biology, the Institute of Physics, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Chemistry, The Physiological Society, the Council for Mathematical Sciences and the Clay Mathematics Institute.  This reflects the importance we all attach to the encouragement of researchers at this stage in their careers. We are also very pleased to have sponsorship for the event from BP, INEOS, ESSAR, Germains Seed Technology and the Institute of Biomedical Science.


Medals and cash prizes will be awarded for the best scientific posters presented in each discipline, and the presenter of the poster judged to be the overall winner will receive the Westminster Medal, in memory of the late Dr Eric Wharton, who did so much to establish SET for BRITAIN as a regular event in the Parliamentary calendar.  Full details of the competition and exhibition including the application form can be found on the SET for BRITAIN website at: www.SETforBRITAIN.org.uk.  I very much hope that you will encourage your early-career SET colleagues to enter.


With Best Wishes




Andrew Miller MP





Applications are invited from early-stage and early-career research scientists, engineers and technologists who wish to exhibit posters.


Applicants should prepare material aimed at communicating high level science to a lay audience.


Early-stage researchers include university research students, postgraduates, research assistants, postdocs, research fellows, newly-appointed lecturers, part-time students and their equivalents in national, public sector and industrial laboratories, etc, and appropriate MSc students, all of whom are engaged in scientific, engineering, technological or medical research and are achieving results.


The closing date for entries is Friday, 20th December 2013. There will be an initial selection by the judges and you will be informed by the end of January 2014 whether or not your application to take part in the exhibition has been successful.


Full details of the competition and how to apply can be found on the SET FOR BRITAIN website at: www.SETforBRITAIN.org.uk.

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PhD opportunity: Glacier meltwater-tidal water interaction: insights from in-situ and remote sensing analyses at J=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F6kuls=E1rl=F3n=2C_?=Iceland

Oh yes, another one! A PhD opportunity here at Loughborough University, UK. 

All the best,


As part of Loughborough University's NERC Doctoral Training Partnership, we are able to offer the following glacially-themed PhD studentship opportunity:


"Glacier meltwater-tidal water interaction: insights from in-situ and remote sensing analyses at Jökulsárlón, Iceland". Full details at:



Enquiries from suitably-qualified applicants with an interest in glacier-ocean interactions are welcome to Richard Hodgkins, r.hodgkins@lboro.ac.uk


Note that the deadline for applications is 31 January 2014. Interviews are expected to take place during February 2014.



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Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More PhD opportunities at BAS, Sheffield and postdoc in Germany...

Tis' the season... more opportunities for NERC funded PhDs

BAS NERC doctoral train centre PhDs (deadline 06/01/14) http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment/vacancies/index.php 

Univ. Sheffield NERC PhD "Upscaling CH4 emission from the Arctic from the plot to the global scale: building a framework for comparison with models" (deadline 20/01/14)

Post doctoral economist at The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany "Assessment of the economic damages associated with meteorological extreme events through international trade and transport."

Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network

Climate theme PhDs at the University of Cambridge

Hi All, 

You know it's time for PhD applications when there are 51 more funded research opportunities at Cambridge's Physical Sciences departments! 

If you department is advertising polar Masters, PhDs and post-docs, don't forget to let us know and we'll send it to the list/Facebook/Twitter.

All the best,

Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network

Friday, November 29, 2013

NERC Funded PhD's at Bristol "Atmosphere, Ice and Oceans" and "Biogeochemical Cycles"


For those looking for a PhD, the GW4+ Doctoral Training Partnership (NERC funded) has recently released the titles of their PhD projects, many of which are polar orientated.

For a list of topics see http://www.bristol.ac.uk/gw4plusdtp/projects/ especially under "Atmospheres, Ice and Oceans" and "Biogeochemical Cycles".

The deadline is 10 January 2014 and projects will start September 2014.

All the best,
Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network

Thursday, November 28, 2013

UKPN 2013 Autumn/Winter Newsletter

Hi everyone,

Please find attached the 2014 Autumn/Winter Newsletter from the UKPN!

Within this issue expect to find details of committee changes, the Bangor Polar Symposium, 2012/2013 outreach projects, work shop reviews, the Loughborough polar film festival and much more. Enjoy!

Many festive wishes for the rapidly approaching frivolities.


UKPN Secretary 

Monday, November 25, 2013

School visit request: Colchester

Dear UKPN,

We have been contacted by a Key Stage 1 teacher in Boxted, Colchester requesting a visit from a young polar scientist to tell the class about their lives and research.

They would like someone to visit for a half or full day in the next half  term (early 2014), and are happy to cover any travel costs. They are also open to ideas as to how the day will run - so would be a great opportunity for anyones first outreach visit!

If you would be interested in taking part, or would like to ask any questions about visiting schools, please do get in touch.

Kind Regards,
Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association for Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-

AGU Workshop: Getting Out in the Field as a Skill

This workshop might be of interest if you are planning on attending AGU in a few weeks....



Are you interested in incorporating field work into your research projects but you're worried that you don't know how to properly plan & execute a successful field campaign? Have you participated in numerous field campaigns with varied success and would like to improve your field planning, leading, and execution skills?

If so, please join us at the Getting Out in the Field as a Skill Workshop held at the upcoming AGU Fall meeting (http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/events/getting-out-in-the-field-as-a-skill-workshop/). The workshop will be held on Wednesday, December 11th from 3-5pm in the Marriott Marquis Golden Gate A. The workshop will provide a panel discussion on the challenges, benefits, and strategies for being successful at planning, leading, and completing fieldwork in a variety of settings. All career stages are welcome to attend!

The workshop's panelists include Dr. Bob Hawley (Dartmouth College), Dr. Fiamma Straneo (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), Dr. Julie Brigham-Grette (U. Massachusetts-Amherst), and Allen O'Bannon (Field Risk Manager, CH2MHILL Polar Services). Each panelist will briefly provide his/her key tips for the successful planning and execution of field work, then the panel will open-up to questions from the audience.

The workshop is co-hosted by the Earth Science Women's Network (http://eswnonline.org/) and Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (http://www.apecs.is/). If you have any questions about the workshop, please email Ellyn Enderlin (ellyn.enderlin@gmail.com).



Dr. Aisling M. Dolan

ERC Research Fellow


School of Earth & Environment

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT



Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085

Email: A.M.Dolan@leeds.ac.uk

Homepage: http://homepages.see.leeds.ac.uk/~earado/


UK Polar Network: http://www.polarnetwork.org/new/

Palaeo@leeds: http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/research/essi/palaeoleeds/


Friday, November 15, 2013

**Automatic Replay: Out of Office**

I am out of office until the 25 of November, with intermittent or no email address, I will answer to your email at my return,






**Automatic Replay: Out of Office**

I am out of office until the 25 of November, with intermittent or no email address, I will answer to your email at my return,






Friday, November 8, 2013

FW: [CRYOLIST] IGS Symposium Chamonix 2014 - Student Fellowships

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Hello all,

Apologies for potentially cross posting, but I think this is too good to an opportunity to miss!



From: cryolist-bounces@lists.cryolist.org [mailto:cryolist-bounces@lists.cryolist.org] On Behalf Of GAGLIARDINI Olivier
Sent: 08 November 2013 13:03
To: cryolist@cryolist.org; MMM
Subject: [CRYOLIST] IGS Symposium Chamonix 2014 - Student Fellowships


Dear all,

Thank to the European Science Foundation, a few fellowships to sponsor students are available for the International Symposium on Glaciers and Ice Sheets Contribution to Sea-Level Change (Observations, Modelling and Prediction) held in Chamonix, France, 26-30 May 2014.

The fellowship include the free registration to the symposium, the lodging and meals at ENSA for the week. Travels are not included. Students currently doing a Phd thesis or a Postdoc can postulate.

To candidate, send in a single PDF document (name_surname.pdf):
- 1) a motivation letter for attending the symposium,
- 2) a short CV,
- 3) your abstract,
to Olivier Gagliardini (olivier.gagliardini.at.ujf-grenoble.fr) before 10 January 2014, 23:59 GMT.

The notification of acceptance will be announced the 24 January 2014.

More information about the symposium can be found here: http://www-lgge.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr/igs2014/
Abstract submission is open: http://www.igsoc.org/abstracts/

Best regards,
Olivier Gagliardini on behalf of the organizing committee. 


Olivier Gagliardini
Professor LGGE UJF / CNRS
Junior member of IUF (Institut Universitaire de France)

54, Rue Molière
Domaine Universitaire BP 96
F- 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex, France
Tel + 33 (0)4 76 82 42 76
homepage : http://www-lgge.ujf-grenoble.fr/~gagliardini/
Elmer/Ice : http://www.elmerice.elmerfem.org
ANR ADAGe : http://www-lgge.ujf-grenoble.fr/pdr/ADAGe/

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

FW: [CRYOLIST] Aberystwyth University - MSc in Glaciology - Open Day 13th Nov 2013

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Hello UKPN,


For interest to anyone considering a MSc in Glaciology! And those who haven’t yet considered one J





Dr. Amélie Kirchgaessner FRMetS

British Antarctic Survey

email: amelie.kirchgaessner@bas.ac.uk

+44 (0)1223 211359



From: cryolist-bounces@lists.cryolist.org [mailto:cryolist-bounces@lists.cryolist.org] On Behalf Of Tristram Irvine-Fynn [tdi]
Sent: 05 November 2013 16:51
To: cryolist@lists.cryolist.org
Subject: [CRYOLIST] Aberystwyth University - MSc in Glaciology - Open Day 13th Nov 2013


Dear Cryolist,


Please see the information below regarding the distinctive “MSc in Glaciology” programme offered at Aberystwyth University, Wales. It would be appreciated if these details could be advertised, forwarded or emailed to final-year undergraduate students who may be interested in the postgraduate scheme.


Our next major Masters-level recruitment event is the Postgraduate Open Day on Wednesday 13th November, fully detailed in the Open Day brochure:




An Open Day poster and flyer detailing the “MSc in Glaciology” scheme offered here are attached. The 1-year (or 2-year part time) scheme is unique in the UK, and provides an excellent and well-proven platform for students who wish to progress to careers in environmental monitoring or engage in PhD research projects in glaciology.


Note, Aberystwyth does offer to pay towards travel costs for those attending the Open Day. See: www.aber.ac.uk/en/postgrad/postgraduate-open-days/


For further information regarding the Centre for Glaciology at Aberystwyth, please see: http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/iges/research-groups/centre-glaciology/


Although the Nov 13th Open Day event is imminent, this may be of interest to undergraduates keen to engage in glaciology. For further information, please contact me directly.


We hope to welcome some of your budding cold-regions enthusiasts!


Apologies for any cross-posting. Many thanks,





Dr. Tristram Irvine-Fynn

Centre for Glaciology |  Canolfan Rhewlifeg

                 Geography & Earth Sciences | Daearyddiaeth a Gwyddorau Daear

Aberystwyth University |  Prifysgol Aberystwyth

Aberystwyth, SY23 3DB, UK.

Tel.: +44 (0)1970 622 784





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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fully funded Sea Ice Field Techniques fieldcourse March 2013

An exciting, fully funded sea ice field techniques fieldcourse will be running in Finland between 11th and 18th March 2014. Training will cover sea ice physics, chemistry and biology, and instrumentation to sample and monitor the hostile yet critical and changing environment. This has been funded by NERC.

The week-long course will be held at Tvärminne Zoological Station on the Finnish Baltic Sea (TZS http://luoto.tvarminne.helsinki.fi/english/index.htm) between 11 and 18 March 2014. It will be delivered by Andrew Brierley (University of St Andrews), David Thomas (Bangor University), Mark Brandon (Open University), Jeremy Wilkinson (British Antarctic Survey), Harri Kuosa, Hermanni Kaartokallio and Letizia Tedesco (Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE), and Veijo Kinnunen (Tvärminne Zoological Station).  All associated costs will be covered.

Application details: http://biology.st-andrews.ac.uk/postgraduate/seaice/ 
Application deadline: 1st December 2013

All the best,

Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network

Friday, October 4, 2013

Open-ended post in physical oceanography at the British Antarctic Survey

From Mike Meredith at BAS:

Dear friends
We have a vacancy for an open-ended post in physical oceanography here at BAS. Details are below, and also on the BAS website at http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment/vacancies/job.php?JobID=891, along with information on how to apply. I would be very grateful if you could advertise this locally, and draw it to the attention of any suitable candidates.
Many thanks, and best wishes

Prof. Mike Meredith
Programme Leader and IMP, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK.
Professor, Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban, U.K.

Job Vacancy - Physical Oceanographer

Please quote ref no: BAS 58/13a
Closing date for applications: 17 Nov 2013 at 11:59pm

The British Antarctic Survey (BAS), part of the Natural Environment Research Council, aims to undertake a world-class programme of scientific research, and to sustain for the UK an active and influential regional presence and a leadership role in Antarctic affairs.

We are looking to appoint a Physical Oceanographer to a senior post within the Open Oceans group at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), based in Cambridge, UK. The focus of the Open Oceans group is on improving the understanding of the circulation, mixing, dynamics and Earth System feedbacks in the polar oceans, using a combination of theoretical, observational and numerical analysis techniques, and assessing the implications for the global climate. The group interacts closely with the Shelf Seas group at BAS, which is focused on investigating ice and continental shelf processes, and well as with other groups in BAS focused on study of the atmosphere, cryosphere and ecosystems.

Ongoing research interests of the Open Oceans group include:
investigating mixing processes in the Southern Ocean and the Arctic Ocean at the mesoscale and submesoscale and dynamical interactions influencing the oceanic overturning circulation; assessing the representation of the coupled Southern Hemisphere system and of key Arctic teleconnections in climate models; monitoring and understanding the production and export of bottom water from the Antarctic continent into the Atlantic Ocean; monitoring the meridional overturning circulation in the South Atlantic; mapping the pathways of carbon uptake by the Southern Ocean; and understanding the physical controls on the interdisciplinary marine environment in the Scotia Sea and at the Antarctic peninsula.The tools used to conduct this research include autonomous ocean gliders, research ships, mooring arrays, dynamical analyses and advanced numerical modelling.

The postholder would be expected to lead a significant element of the Open Oceans workpackage, supervising some more junior staff, and to instigate new avenues of research. There would be opportunities to participate in fieldwork in both polar regions. The post would suit someone with postdoctoral experience looking to assume greater responsibilities.

Qualifications: Good first degree in physical science/mathematics plus PhD or equivalent postgraduate experience in same

Duration: Open-ended

Salary: Salary will be in the range of £31,020 to £37,500 per annum. We offer a generous benefits package including a defined salary pension scheme, free car parking, flexible working hours and 30 days annual leave.

On-line application forms and further information are available on our website at www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment

These are also available from the Human Resources Section, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET. Tel: (01223) 221508.

Please quote reference: BAS 58/13a
Closing date for receipt of application forms is 17th November 2013
Interviews are scheduled to be held w/c 2nd December 2013

If you would like further information on this post, please email Prof. Michael Meredith on mmm@bas.ac.uk

We welcome applications from all sections of the community. People from ethnic minorities are currently under-represented and their applications are particularly welcome.
You will need to be physically capable and medically fit to work in Antarctic conditions.

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You're subscribed to the CRYOLIST mailing list
To send a message to the list, email cryolist@cryolist.org
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Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network

Thursday, September 26, 2013

FW: [CLIMLIST] Call for Papers: Polar Geography and Cryosphere sessions at AAG (USA)

Apologies for potential cross posting, but I thought this meeting may be interesting for some members.
Have an ice day,

Dr. Amélie Kirchgaessner FRMetS
British Antarctic Survey
email: amelie.kirchgaessner@bas.ac.uk
+44 (0)1223 211359

-----Original Message-----
From: climlist-bounces@lists.wku.edu [mailto:climlist-bounces@lists.wku.edu] On Behalf Of CLIMLIST
Sent: 20 September 2013 19:49

The Polar Geographyand CryosphereSpecialty Groups of the Association of American Geographers call for papers for the 2014 Annual Meeting of the AAG under the following areas:

Polar Geography Sessions:

Sustainable Development in the Arctic

Issues pertaining to sustainable Arctic environments, cultures and economies amid climate change and globalization

Urbanization and Transportation in the Arctic

Examinations of development trends in and between Arctic communities

Impacts of Climate Change on Arctic Communities and the Environment

Observed and anticipated impacts of a warming climate on natural and human systems in high latitude regions

Northern Resource Geographies and Extractive Industries

Exploring the past, present and future of resource extraction in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions and its role in local and global economies

Polar Geopolitics

Recent developments in the political landscape and governance of polar regions

Send abstract and PIN to _stephenson@ucla.edu <mailto:stephenson@ucla.edu>_



Advances in CryosphereResearch

Recent developments in remote sensing and modeling methodologies for any aspect of the cryosphere

High Latitude Environments in a Changing Climate

Impacts of climate change on high latitude hydrologic, atmospheric, and terrestrial systems, including polar ice sheets

Mountain Ice and Snow

Glacier environmental change and impacts on water resources

Send abstract and PIN to _venachu@ucla.edu <mailto:venachu@ucla.edu>_

Other sessions will be considered if there are sufficient submissions.
Graduate students and young scholars are encouraged to apply.

Please contact the organizers if you have any questions. If you wish to be included in one of these sessions, please register on the AAG website (_http://www.aag.org/_), and then submit your abstract and PIN to Scott Stephenson (_stephenson@ucla.edu <mailto:stephenson@ucla.edu>_) or Vena Chu (_venachu@ucla.edu <mailto:venachu@ucla.edu>_). The deadline for submitting abstracts with a discounted registration fee is October 23, 2013. An extended deadline will be available through December 3.

Poster Session: R.S. TarrAward for Student Research

The Polar Geography and CryosphereSpecialty Groups are pleased to sponsor the annual R.S. TarrAward for student research on any aspect of cryosphericscience. The R.S. Tarraward is given to the undergraduate or graduate student presenting the illustrated paperjudged best in the special R.S. TarrIllustrated Paper Session held during the 2014 Annual Meeting. The recipient of the R.S. Tarraward will receive a cash prize.

The illustrated paper must be completed and presented by the student; however, the paper can be coauthored by the student's advisor.
Illustrated papers will be judged on their originality and contribution to cryosphericscience.

This competition is in honor of Ralph Stockman Tarrwho was an accomplished glacial geologist and geographer. He studied under W.M.
Davis at Harvard. While teaching at Cornell he led numerous scientific expeditions to Greenland and Alaska.

To participate in the R.S. Tarrsession please submit your abstract for an illustrated paperthrough _www.aag.org <http://www.aag.org/>_and send your PIN to venachu@ucla.edu <mailto:venachu@ucla.edu>.

Scott R. Stephenson, C.Phil.
Department of Geography
University of California, Los Angeles

SEND POSTS TO: climlist@wku.edu

CLIMLIST HOMEPAGE: http://climlist.wku.edu/

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Photo competition for the NERC funded ones

Hello UKPN’ers

Have you taken any exciting photos during your PhD that just sum up what your work is about?

If you are or have been funded by NERC, consider entering the

NERC Student Photography & Short Article Writing Competition


NERC invites submissions from current and recently finished NERC students for the NERC Student Photography & Short Article Writing Competition. This competition is looking for entries that best encapsulate your research and PhD experiences to date and is open to all current NERC students as well as recently finished NERC-funded students who submitted their PhD in 2012 or 2013. Every applicant must submit both a photograph and a short written article to be eligible for an award and one of the six available prizes.

Please see the Announcement of Opportunity document for full details of the competition, including submission requirements, rules and advice for entrants.





This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.

Panel Event today in Cambridge

Dear UKPN, 

Just a final reminder that we are hosting a Mentor Panel today following the UK Arctic Sciences conference at the Scott Polar Research Institute, starting at 13:15. 

We will be discussing the work/life balance during a PhD and beyond, and all are welcome. We will be providing a buffet lunch for those attending. 

Kind Regards, 
Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association for Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fellowship applications open at the Software Sustainability Institute

Dear UKPN, 

Please see below for information regarding calls for applications for Fellowships from the Software Sustainability Institute.  Applications close 27th September.

This is a great opportunity, and the SSI is keen to involve a wide range of software users, including early career researchers across many scientific fields. 

Allen Pope (a UKPN member) has been a fellow in the previous year. You can read more about his, and other fellows, experiences here http://www.software.ac.uk/fellowship-programme/fellow-profiles.

Kind Regards, 
Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association for Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-


The Software Sustainability Institute (www.software.ac.uk) has launched the 2014 Fellowship Programme that recognises outstanding UK-based researchers who use software. The Fellowships come with £3000 funding which can be used for travel, collaboration and running events.

Fellows advise the Institute on important software, evangelise software practices and champion the adoption of best-of-breed software. Fellows will contribute to our blog, and are supported in advertising their own research.

Apply to become a Fellow online: http://www.software.ac.uk/fellowship-programme/fellowship-programme-application-form

The Programme launch event was held via a webinar on 12th September - the full recording from the webinar is available here: http://youtu.be/2cCufwZYaDA

--Who we are looking for--

We are seeking fifteen outstanding researchers at different  stages in their career, from PhDs to Professors, and from a wide range of research disciplines in science, technology, engineering as well as in arts and humanities. Successful Fellows will have a demonstrable knowledge and visibility in their community and have excellent communication skills.


The £3000 funding is flexible and can be used for travel to conferences, setting up and running workshops, starting new collaborations or hosting/teaching at Software Carpentry training events.

--Important information and dates--

The closing date for applications is 27th September 2013, 5PM BST.

Tuesday 22 October 2013 - Candidates will know whether they have been shortlisted.

Wednesday 13 November 2013 - Face-to-face selection day in Manchester for those shortlisted - please hold the date! (note if you are unable to make this date for valid reasons then we may be able to make alternative arrangements; however in person candidates will have first preference on places)

Wednesday 27 November 2013 - the successful candidates will be offered the Fellowships

Friday 6 December - The set of Institute's Fellows for 2014 officially announced

Fellowships last thirteen months and are available from 1 January 2014 through 31 March 2015.

If you have any questions, please contact the Institute: info@software.ac.uk.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Open-ended research scientist position at the British Antarctic Survey / Cambridge, UK

Exciting opportunity at BAS:

The British Antarctic Survey is recruiting for an atmospheric chemistry modeller to join their Tropospheric Chemistry group. This is an open-ended post, full details of which are available at http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment/vacancies/job.php?JobID=878














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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fwd: Software Sustainability Institute 2014 Fellowship Programme


See below for info on a cool fellowship opportunity. Multiple UKPN members have received them in the past, and it is currently sponsoring an upcoming UKPN workshop, too!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aleksandra Pawlik
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Subject: Software Sustainability Institute 2014 Fellowship Programme


The Software Sustainability Institute (www.software.ac.uk) has
launched the 2014 Fellowship Programme that recognises outstanding
UK-based researchers who use software. The Fellowships come with £3000
funding which can be used for travel, collaboration and running

Fellows advise the Institute on important software, evangelise
software practices and champion the adoption of best-of-breed
software. Fellows will contribute to our blog, and are supported in
advertising their own research.

Apply to become a Fellow online:

And join us for the launch event at a webinar on 12th September
(Thursday) at 2:30 PM. For the webinar details, please see:

--Who we are looking for--

We are seeking fifteen outstanding researchers at different  stages in
their career, from PhDs to Professors, and from a wide range of
research disciplines in science, technology and engineering.
Successful Fellows will have a demonstrable knowledge and visibility
in their community and have excellent communication skills.


The £3000 funding is flexible and can be used for travel to
conferences, setting up and running workshops, starting new
collaborations or hosting/teaching at Software Carpentry training

--Important information and dates--

The closing date for applications is 27th September 2013, 5PM BST.

Tuesday 22 October 2013 - Candidates will know whether they have been

Wednesday 13 November 2013 - Face-to-face selection day in Manchester
for those shortlisted - please hold the date! (note if you are unable
to make this date for valid reasons then we may be able to make
alternative arrangements; however in person candidates will have first
preference on places)

Wednesday 27 November 2013 - the successful candidates will be offered
the Fellowships

Friday 6 December - The set of Institute's Fellows for 2014 officially announced

Fellowships last thirteen months and are available from 1 January 2014
through 31 March 2015.

If you have any questions, please contact the Institute: info@software.ac.uk.

Research Software Community Consultant
The Software Sustainability Institute
e: a.pawlik@software.ac.uk

Research Software Community Consultant
The Software Sustainability Institute
e: a.pawlik@software.ac.uk

Research Software Community Consultant
The Software Sustainability Institute
e: a.pawlik@software.ac.uk

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Fwd: [CRYOLIST] Advanced Workshop: Micromorphology of sediment deformation: 7-11 October 2013

Conference of interest, potentially:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Simon Carr <s.j.carr@qmul.ac.uk>
Date: 2013/9/6
Subject: [CRYOLIST] Advanced Workshop: Micromorphology of sediment deformation: 7-11 October 2013
To: "cryolist@cryolist.org" <cryolist@cryolist.org>, "GEOMORPH-L@LISTSERV.TAMU.EDU" <GEOMORPH-L@listserv.tamu.edu>
Cc: Emrys R Phillips <erp@bgs.ac.uk>, "Jaap J.M. van der Meer" <j.meer@qmul.ac.uk>

Dear All,

I would like to draw your attention to an advanced workshop in the micromorphology of sediment deformation which will be held at the Centre for Micromorphology at Queen Mary, University of London from 7-11th October 2013. This workshop is led by Dr Simon Carr and Professor Jaap van der Meer (QMUL) and Dr Emrys Phillips (BGS Edinburgh). This workshop is particularly aimed at researchers who have prior experience in the micro-scale analysis of glacial sediments, or who have attended previous International Workshops on Micromorphology of Glacial Sediments. However, please contact the organisers if you would like to establish whether this course is appropriate for you.

The workshop will comprise lectures examining the application of micromorphology to (glacial) sediments that preserve evidence of deformation, a review of current thinking on processes and mechanisms of sediment deformation, but mainly focuses on practical updates and training on recent developments in collection, manipulation and analysis of micro-scale properties of deforming sediments.

We anticipate the workshop to result in a co-authored paper with all participants to be published in an international, peer-reviewed journal.

Key themes explored will include:
• Describing and understanding polyphase deformation and strain signatures;
• Microstructural mapping and microfabric analysis;
• Quantification and digital mapping of plasmic fabrics (Metripol analysis);
• Application of 3D X-ray computed tomography; This includes the scanning and reconstruction of samples brought to the workshop by delegates.
• Provenancing using thin sections.

In order for every participant to have continuous access to key equipment the maximum number is set at 12 delegates. Delegates are invited to bring thin sections of particular interest along to the workshop, and also a sediment sample to be scanned and reconstructed using 3D x-ray computed tomography

Registration for the workshop (not including accommodation) will be £500 per delegate, and can be accessed from the following link:

For further information, please contact Dr Simon Carr (s.j.carr@qmul.ac.uk).

Best wishes,

Simon Carr
Dr Simon Carr
Director, Centre for Micromorphology,
School of Geography,
Queen Mary University of London,
Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, UK.
twitter: @DrSimonCarr, @MicromorphQMUL

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Education Through Expeditions: South Pole Expedition

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for information on an exciting forthcoming polar project!

Contact Gemma directly if you would like more information.

Best wishes,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:  Re: Education Through Expeditions South Pole Expedition
Date:  Mon, 2 Sep 2013 15:00:05 +0100
From:  Gemma Sollis <gemmasollisete@gmail.com>
To:  Sian Henley <s.f.henley@ed.ac.uk>

On behalf of Antony Jinman, I would like to introduce you to Education
Through Expeditions (ETE) next expedition to Antarctica this November.
Antony will be travelling to the South Pole following in his heroes
footsteps, Captain Scott and Sir Ernest Shackleton, as he aims to
promote healthy nutrition and life styles in schools.

As you may know, the ETE web platform (http://www.eteteachers.org/)
enables schools to view blogs, videos and photos sent by Antony during
his expedition, and allows them to ask Antony questions which he will
answer from the ice. We have over 200 members on our web platform.

If you would like more information on the project or any of our other
projects please do not hesitate to contact me on
gemmasollisete@gmail.com <mailto:gemmasollisete@gmail.com>

Kind Regards

*Gemma Sollis*
Partnership Coordinator
Education Through Expeditions
Based at the University of the West of England, Office 4Q14

   Dr. Sian Henley

   NERC Research Fellow
   University of Edinburgh, UK

   The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
   Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Friday, August 30, 2013

UKPN events in Loughborough 3 - 4th September

Dear All,

If you are coming to Loughborough next week for IGS-BB don't forget to register for the Polar Film Festival on Tuesday evening: www.polarfilmfest.eventbrite.com You can come if you're not attending IGS too!

Also, the UKPN mentor panel "To the viva and beyond" will take place at 16:30 on 4th September. This is of course particularly relevant for postgraduates, but anyone (supervisors?) is welcome to attend – and contribute.
Panel members: Nick Rutter, Simon Carr, Laura Edwards, Anne Le Brocq and John Woodward. Chair: Tom Matthews If you can't make it, follow the discussion on Twitter @ukpolarnetwork

Hopefully see you in Loughborough,

Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network

Sunday, August 25, 2013

British Science Festival . 9-12 September, Newcastle.

Dear UKPN, 

In two weeks, the UKPN will be hosting our annual workshop at the British Science Festival which will be held in Newcastle this year. 

We will be running four 45 minute workshops per day for KS2 children (7-11 year olds), with a short presentation and hands on activities to explain aspects of Polar Science. 

If you would like to pop in and say hi, or help out with a workshop to gain some experience (feel free to drop in for one workshop, or stay for the four days!), we would love to see you and for you to take part. 

This is a great opportunity to get some hands on experience with existing outreach members of the UKPN, so please do get in touch if you would like to be involved. 

Kind regards, 
Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association of  Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-

Thursday, August 22, 2013

NERC-funded PhD studentship at Northumbria University

Dear Colleagues,


NERC-funded PhD studentship ‘Air temperature distribution across melting

glaciers’. Application deadline 5th September 2013.


Northumbria University Geography Department is advertising a NERC-funded

PhD studentship on ‘Air temperature distribution across melting glaciers’

with a start date in autumn 2013 or January 2014. We are keen for candidates

with a background in earth or atmospheric science or physical geography to

apply. Further details are given below.


UK applicants are eligible for fees, maintenance grant and fieldwork costs.

EU applicants are eligible for fees and fieldwork costs, but not the maintenance

grant, unless they have been continuously resident in the UK for the past 3 years.


Thanks and kind regards,




Location: Department of Geography, Engineering and Environment Faculty,

Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK.

Project Title: Air temperature distribution across melting glaciers

Project Supervisor(s): Dr Ben Brock Benjamin.brock@northumbria.ac.uk

Dr Nick Rutter nick.rutter@northumbria.ac.uk

Funding Availability: NERC Studentship


Application deadline: 5th September 2013, start date 1st October 2013

or 1st January 2014 (flexible)

Project description:

Near surface air temperature is the most important variable determining

the melt rate at a snow or ice surface, but we have only a crude

understanding of how and why air temperature varies across glaciers,

impeding our ability to model their response to climatic variations. This

project will: i) characterise the spatio-temporal variability of air

temperature over glaciers and identify its main controls and physical drivers;

and ii) develop numerical models of glacier air temperature regimes which

can be implemented in glacier ablation models. The project will involve

detailed measurements on clean and debris-covered mountain glaciers and

analysis with atmospheric models, developing a wide range of valuable skills.

The outcomes will improve assessments of glacier response to climate change

for water resource management in mountain regions. The student and

supervisors will work closely with UK, Swiss and Italian partners.


Required qualifications: A good honours degree (2:1 or above, or 2:2 + a

Masters degree).


Desirable knowledge and skills: Background in geography, earth or

atmospheric science. Physically fit and willing to undertake fieldwork

in mountain environments. Numeracy and knowledge of GIS/remote

sensing software and programming, e.g. Matlab would be an advantage.


For further information regarding the project please contact Dr Ben Brock,

email: Benjamin.brock@northumbria.ac.uk, tel. +44(0)191 227 3225


For any queries relating to applications, please contact Karen Vacher,

email: eb.pgrstudentships@northumbria.ac.uk or telephone

+44(0)191 227 3244


Funding notes: Includes fees, £13, 726 pa maintenance grant, and money

for fieldwork, training and conference attendance for UK students. EU

students are eligible for fees, fieldwork, training and conference support,

but not the maintenance grant, unless they have been continuously

resident in the UK for the past 3 years.


Dr Ben Brock

Reader in Remote Sensing

Engineering and Environment

Northumbria University

Newcastle Upon Tyne


Email: Benjamin.brock@northumbria.ac.uk

Tel. +44 (0)191 227 3225