Monday, November 25, 2013

AGU Workshop: Getting Out in the Field as a Skill

This workshop might be of interest if you are planning on attending AGU in a few weeks....



Are you interested in incorporating field work into your research projects but you're worried that you don't know how to properly plan & execute a successful field campaign? Have you participated in numerous field campaigns with varied success and would like to improve your field planning, leading, and execution skills?

If so, please join us at the Getting Out in the Field as a Skill Workshop held at the upcoming AGU Fall meeting ( The workshop will be held on Wednesday, December 11th from 3-5pm in the Marriott Marquis Golden Gate A. The workshop will provide a panel discussion on the challenges, benefits, and strategies for being successful at planning, leading, and completing fieldwork in a variety of settings. All career stages are welcome to attend!

The workshop's panelists include Dr. Bob Hawley (Dartmouth College), Dr. Fiamma Straneo (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), Dr. Julie Brigham-Grette (U. Massachusetts-Amherst), and Allen O'Bannon (Field Risk Manager, CH2MHILL Polar Services). Each panelist will briefly provide his/her key tips for the successful planning and execution of field work, then the panel will open-up to questions from the audience.

The workshop is co-hosted by the Earth Science Women's Network ( and Association of Polar Early Career Scientists ( If you have any questions about the workshop, please email Ellyn Enderlin (



Dr. Aisling M. Dolan

ERC Research Fellow


School of Earth & Environment

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT



Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085




UK Polar Network:
