Apologies for potential cross posting, but I thought this meeting may be interesting for some members.
Have an ice day,
Dr. Amélie Kirchgaessner FRMetS
British Antarctic Survey
email: amelie.kirchgaessner@bas.ac.uk
+44 (0)1223 211359
-----Original Message-----
From: climlist-bounces@lists.wku.edu [mailto:climlist-bounces@lists.wku.edu] On Behalf Of CLIMLIST
Sent: 20 September 2013 19:49
The Polar Geographyand CryosphereSpecialty Groups of the Association of American Geographers call for papers for the 2014 Annual Meeting of the AAG under the following areas:
Polar Geography Sessions:
Sustainable Development in the Arctic
Issues pertaining to sustainable Arctic environments, cultures and economies amid climate change and globalization
Urbanization and Transportation in the Arctic
Examinations of development trends in and between Arctic communities
Impacts of Climate Change on Arctic Communities and the Environment
Observed and anticipated impacts of a warming climate on natural and human systems in high latitude regions
Northern Resource Geographies and Extractive Industries
Exploring the past, present and future of resource extraction in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions and its role in local and global economies
Polar Geopolitics
Recent developments in the political landscape and governance of polar regions
Send abstract and PIN to _stephenson@ucla.edu <mailto:stephenson@ucla.edu>_
Advances in CryosphereResearch
Recent developments in remote sensing and modeling methodologies for any aspect of the cryosphere
High Latitude Environments in a Changing Climate
Impacts of climate change on high latitude hydrologic, atmospheric, and terrestrial systems, including polar ice sheets
Mountain Ice and Snow
Glacier environmental change and impacts on water resources
Send abstract and PIN to _venachu@ucla.edu <mailto:venachu@ucla.edu>_
Other sessions will be considered if there are sufficient submissions.
Graduate students and young scholars are encouraged to apply.
Please contact the organizers if you have any questions. If you wish to be included in one of these sessions, please register on the AAG website (_http://www.aag.org/_), and then submit your abstract and PIN to Scott Stephenson (_stephenson@ucla.edu <mailto:stephenson@ucla.edu>_) or Vena Chu (_venachu@ucla.edu <mailto:venachu@ucla.edu>_). The deadline for submitting abstracts with a discounted registration fee is October 23, 2013. An extended deadline will be available through December 3.
Poster Session: R.S. TarrAward for Student Research
The Polar Geography and CryosphereSpecialty Groups are pleased to sponsor the annual R.S. TarrAward for student research on any aspect of cryosphericscience. The R.S. Tarraward is given to the undergraduate or graduate student presenting the illustrated paperjudged best in the special R.S. TarrIllustrated Paper Session held during the 2014 Annual Meeting. The recipient of the R.S. Tarraward will receive a cash prize.
The illustrated paper must be completed and presented by the student; however, the paper can be coauthored by the student's advisor.
Illustrated papers will be judged on their originality and contribution to cryosphericscience.
This competition is in honor of Ralph Stockman Tarrwho was an accomplished glacial geologist and geographer. He studied under W.M.
Davis at Harvard. While teaching at Cornell he led numerous scientific expeditions to Greenland and Alaska.
To participate in the R.S. Tarrsession please submit your abstract for an illustrated paperthrough _www.aag.org <http://www.aag.org/>_and send your PIN to venachu@ucla.edu <mailto:venachu@ucla.edu>.
Scott R. Stephenson, C.Phil.
Department of Geography
University of California, Los Angeles
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