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Hello UKPN,
For interest to anyone considering a MSc in Glaciology! And those who haven’t yet considered one J
Dr. Amélie Kirchgaessner FRMetS
British Antarctic Survey
+44 (0)1223 211359
From: [] On Behalf Of Tristram Irvine-Fynn [tdi]
Sent: 05 November 2013 16:51
Subject: [CRYOLIST] Aberystwyth University - MSc in Glaciology - Open Day 13th Nov 2013
Dear Cryolist,
Please see the information below regarding the distinctive “MSc in Glaciology” programme offered at Aberystwyth University, Wales. It would be appreciated if these details could be advertised, forwarded or emailed to final-year undergraduate students who may be interested in the postgraduate scheme.
Our next major Masters-level recruitment event is the Postgraduate Open Day on Wednesday 13th November, fully detailed in the Open Day brochure:
An Open Day poster and flyer detailing the “MSc in Glaciology” scheme offered here are attached. The 1-year (or 2-year part time) scheme is unique in the UK, and provides an excellent and well-proven platform for students who wish to progress to careers in environmental monitoring or engage in PhD research projects in glaciology.
Note, Aberystwyth does offer to pay towards travel costs for those attending the Open Day. See:
For further information regarding the Centre for Glaciology at Aberystwyth, please see:
Although the Nov 13th Open Day event is imminent, this may be of interest to undergraduates keen to engage in glaciology. For further information, please contact me directly.
We hope to welcome some of your budding cold-regions enthusiasts!
Apologies for any cross-posting. Many thanks,
Dr. Tristram Irvine-Fynn
Centre for Glaciology | Canolfan Rhewlifeg
Geography & Earth Sciences | Daearyddiaeth a Gwyddorau Daear
Aberystwyth University | Prifysgol Aberystwyth
Aberystwyth, SY23 3DB, UK.
Tel.: +44 (0)1970 622 784
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