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Hello all,
Apologies for potentially cross posting, but I think this is too good to an opportunity to miss!
From: [] On Behalf Of GAGLIARDINI Olivier
Sent: 08 November 2013 13:03
To:; MMM
Subject: [CRYOLIST] IGS Symposium Chamonix 2014 - Student Fellowships
Dear all,
Thank to the European Science Foundation, a few fellowships to sponsor students are available for the International Symposium on Glaciers and Ice Sheets Contribution to Sea-Level Change (Observations, Modelling and Prediction) held in Chamonix, France, 26-30 May 2014.
The fellowship include the free registration to the symposium, the lodging and meals at ENSA for the week. Travels are not included. Students currently doing a Phd thesis or a Postdoc can postulate.
To candidate, send in a single PDF document (name_surname.pdf):
- 1) a motivation letter for attending the symposium,
- 2) a short CV,
- 3) your abstract,
to Olivier Gagliardini ( before 10 January 2014, 23:59 GMT.
The notification of acceptance will be announced the 24 January 2014.
More information about the symposium can be found here:
Abstract submission is open:
Best regards,
Olivier Gagliardini on behalf of the organizing committee.
Olivier Gagliardini
Professor LGGE UJF / CNRS
Junior member of IUF (Institut Universitaire de France)
54, Rue Molière
Domaine Universitaire BP 96
F- 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex, France
Tel + 33 (0)4 76 82 42 76
homepage :
Elmer/Ice :
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