Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fellowship applications open at the Software Sustainability Institute

Dear UKPN, 

Please see below for information regarding calls for applications for Fellowships from the Software Sustainability Institute.  Applications close 27th September.

This is a great opportunity, and the SSI is keen to involve a wide range of software users, including early career researchers across many scientific fields. 

Allen Pope (a UKPN member) has been a fellow in the previous year. You can read more about his, and other fellows, experiences here

Kind Regards, 
Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association for Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-


The Software Sustainability Institute ( has launched the 2014 Fellowship Programme that recognises outstanding UK-based researchers who use software. The Fellowships come with £3000 funding which can be used for travel, collaboration and running events.

Fellows advise the Institute on important software, evangelise software practices and champion the adoption of best-of-breed software. Fellows will contribute to our blog, and are supported in advertising their own research.

Apply to become a Fellow online:

The Programme launch event was held via a webinar on 12th September - the full recording from the webinar is available here:

--Who we are looking for--

We are seeking fifteen outstanding researchers at different  stages in their career, from PhDs to Professors, and from a wide range of research disciplines in science, technology, engineering as well as in arts and humanities. Successful Fellows will have a demonstrable knowledge and visibility in their community and have excellent communication skills.


The £3000 funding is flexible and can be used for travel to conferences, setting up and running workshops, starting new collaborations or hosting/teaching at Software Carpentry training events.

--Important information and dates--

The closing date for applications is 27th September 2013, 5PM BST.

Tuesday 22 October 2013 - Candidates will know whether they have been shortlisted.

Wednesday 13 November 2013 - Face-to-face selection day in Manchester for those shortlisted - please hold the date! (note if you are unable to make this date for valid reasons then we may be able to make alternative arrangements; however in person candidates will have first preference on places)

Wednesday 27 November 2013 - the successful candidates will be offered the Fellowships

Friday 6 December - The set of Institute's Fellows for 2014 officially announced

Fellowships last thirteen months and are available from 1 January 2014 through 31 March 2015.

If you have any questions, please contact the Institute: