Friday, February 7, 2020

What have you been up to recently? British Science Festival Call for Expressions of Interest

Hi All,

As your festival coordinators we have been hard at work coming up with a good range of events to attend in the next few months. The British Science Festival is taking place in Chelmsford this September and they put on a range of activities and events for non-academic audiences mostly age 16+

We would like to submit two applications:
1. Drop-in sessions which would be similar to stalls at other events where we may have a hands on activity or two and information available via posters and volunteers (you guys).

2. A Panel which would involve four UKPN members as panellists and a chair. We would run it on one of the days and would focus on a specific polar theme. 

In order to submit the application we need a suitable amount of information from those of you who may be interested in being involved. Especially for the panel, we would need to know what you've all been up to so that we can form a theme and give you an opportunity to share your exciting work!

Please fill in this survey if any of that sounds like it might be of interest:

The festival dates are: 8/09 to 12/09 2020
UKPN would fund travel to and from the festival as well as accommodation if necessary.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to email us at: or

Thanks in advance for your interest!

Kind regards,

Chloe and Chloe

Chloe Nunn
National Geographic Explorer 2018
MSc Sustainability 2018
BSc Oceanography 2017
+44 7519038793

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