Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sparrho Conference Grants for Early Career Researchers now open

Sparrho - the scientific discovery platform for PhD students and scientists - is offering £300 grants to PhD students and postdocs every month.

Sparrho is offering £300 grants to PhD students and postdocs from any university who are presenting their research at an academic conference, anywhere in the world. Application deadlines are on a rolling basis.
Apply here:

To apply:
1. Complete the online form with your details and curate a collection of papers that represent your research, using Sparrho's discovery platform.
2. Use Sparrho's writing tutorial and write no more than 350 words to introduce your research in a jargon-free language.

The winners will:
1. Receive £300 in prize money.
2. Be featured on Sparrho's media channels and community page.

Who is Sparrho?
Sparrho is a one-stop-shop to discover, curate and summarise science helping you to raise your profile. You can find 60 million+ research papers with daily updates from 45,000+ sources on our platform.

Got any questions? Just send an email to


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