Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Arctic ice cores or Antarctic climate change - outreach opportunity

As part of the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust’s Antarctica In Sight Programme, the National Maritime Museum will be working with Rathfern Primary school (year 5) to co-create an event, performance, or intervention centred on Antarctica to take place on Saturday 6 June 2020 when the Museum marks World Oceans Day.  As part of the project, pupils will have the opportunity to:

•          Research and engage with the heritage, environment and geopolitics of Antarctica

•          Be inspired by the work of artists, scientists and curators relating to Antarctica, climate and the environment, and oceanography

•          Be part of a high profile programme of talks, workshops, interventions and performances to mark World Oceans Day

•          Take control of shaping an event or intervention at the Museum to showcase what is important to them in relation to the above themes. 

•          Develop confidence and skills in public speaking and in their chosen art form


We are seeking scientist(s) who can communicate with passion and clarity with groups of 9 and 10 year olds about Antarctica and the environment, with particular interest in ice cores and Antarctic records of climate change and the relationship between Antarctica and the world’s oceans to be part of an inspiration day at the National Maritime Museum on 29th April. 

Please contact Chi Onuora if you are available on this date with a brief outline of your area of research and relevant experience.




Holly Jenkins

PhD candidate, SPITFIRE DTP & Changing Arctic Ocean (NERC)

UK Polar Network President


National Oceanography Centre Southampton

University of Southampton Waterfront Campus

Room: 344/35

Phone: 02380598724 (ext. 28724)