Dear Organic Geochemists
We are delighted to invite you to the British Organic Geochemical Society (BOGS) conference, held at the University of Birmingham between Tuesday 14th to Thursday 16th July 2020. BOGS aims to promote, exchange and discuss all aspects of organic geochemistry and facilitates social networking between student, academic and industrial organic geochemists in a friendly, supportive and collaborative environment. The two-day conference will take place on our main campus, and our icebreaker will be held on the Tuesday evening at our recently refurbished Lapworth Museum of Geology. Professor Erin McClymont (Durham University) will be delivering our keynote talk on 'Climate forcings and feedbacks: lessons learned from biomarker proxies'. The three-course conference dinner will be hosted at Wildwood Italian restaurant in Birmingham city centre. The conference fee for undergrad/postgrad students is only £50 and the fee for academic/industrial members is £90.
To register and submit abstracts for talks and posters please visit our website:
Follow our Twitter profile to receive conference updates: @BOGS_2020
We would be grateful if you could share this opportunity with other colleagues and students in your departments, and institutions who are interested in organic geochemistry.
We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Birmingham in July.
Best wishes,
The BOGS2020 Organising Comittee
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