Passing this on for those of interest:
Reminder- abstract submission deadline is Friday 28th February
*** Apologies for any cross posting****
***Please circulate to any interested parties***
Re: Session on Southern Ocean food webs at SCAR2020 OSC, 3-7th August 2020, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Dear Colleagues,
A reminder that the deadline for abstract submissions to the SCAR2020 OSC is 28th February 2020 5pm AEST. We welcome submissions to an ICED session on Southern Ocean ecosystems (, see below for details).
Session 20 - The effects of change on Southern Ocean ecosystems: understanding, modelling, projecting, and managing change in Southern Ocean species and food webs
We propose that this session will be coordinated by ICED and include a forum on progress of the Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO). The first part of this session will reflect on research to improve understanding and projections of changes in Southern Ocean ecosystems that are relevant to conservation and ecosystem-based management. In all, this session will focus on 1) Understanding and quantifying the state and variability of Southern Ocean ecosystems, 2) Modelling and projections of future Southern Ocean ecosystems at multiple scales, and 3) Implications for sustainable Southern Ocean governance. We welcome abstracts on emerging areas of research, field, data syntheses, and modelling studies, across a range of disciplines and stakeholders (including ecology, oceanography, biogeochemistry, climate, social, fisheries and conservation science, technicians and policy makers), providing coverage of a range of spatial, temporal and organisational scales. We are interested in engaging the wider community to allow participation and inclusion through effective partnerships to ensure sustainable observations in the Southern Ocean.
Lead Convenor: Nadine Johnston
Co-convenors: Madeleine Brasier, Rachel Cavanagh, Andrew Constable, Jess Melbourne- Thomas, Monica Muelbert, Eugene Murphy
Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics in
the Southern Ocean (ICED) programme
International Programme Office: British Antarctic Survey,
High Cross Madingley Rd, Cambridge, UK, CB30ET
Phone: +44 (0)1223 221400
: @ICEDantarctic
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