Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Presentation at the University of Bath

Potential opportunity for a UKPN member:

My team and I are finalists in a competition for students which involve running a go-green initiative on our university campus and around Bath. We now have just under six weeks to make as many people as possible at the University and around town thinking about saving energy.


One of our main goals is to invite speakers to the university and talk about climate change. I think this would be an interesting event for you as it offers you the chance to reach out to students who are interested in what is happening in Antarctica. The event will be held on Monday 28 November at the University of Bath, so if you have any speakers in mind that is free to do a 20 -25 minute presentation on that date, please let us know."

Are there are any members of UK Polar Network available on that date to do a presentation, preferably someone from the surrounding area?

I look forward to hearing from you. My team and I would appreciate your support.

Kind regards,

Mona Formoe