Saturday, October 29, 2011

Explore 2011 - 18-20 November at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

Dear All,

Please find below information about the annual "Explore" expedition
and fieldwork planning weekend at the Royal Geographical Society (with
IBG). This year, there is a strong Arctic contingent (see below for
details) so the event is of particular interest to all those involved
in Arctic research and exploration. As this year's "Explore" is so
relevant to us polar people, the RGS has agreed to offer discounted
fees to UKPN members, provided there is enough interest. If you would
like to attend this year's "Explore", please reply to this email and I
will forward your details to the RGS so that we get the discounted
rates. We have also been invited to present a poster on UKPN
activities; if you would like to take a lead or contribute to this,
please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you,



Explore is the annual expedition and fieldwork planning weekend held
at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). It is primarily aimed
towards students, although anyone planning an exciting overseas
project can attend. Each year we bring together around 100 leading
field researchers, explorers and adventurers to the Society to run
workshops and lectures designed to help and inspire the next
generation of researchers in organizing expeditions and overseas
research projects.

This year, we have a large number of speakers with experience in
arctic regions. These include; member of the Catlin Arctic Survey
team, Ann Daniels, Helen Findlay (also a UKPN member!); former base
commander at Rothera Research Station Paul Rose and glaciologist Simon
Carr. For details of all the speakers, including many more 'polar
experts', check out the website

Over the weekend, there will also be plenty of opportunities to
discuss some of the grants available from the RGS-IBG for student
expeditions. Full details of the event and information on many of the
speakers attending can be found at

Student fees are £65 for the weekend (Friday evening, Saturday and
Sunday), but if there is sufficient interest from UKPN members, the
RGS have agreed to give us a further discounted rate of just £55 for
the weekend!

Sian Henley
President, UK Polar Network

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.