All those with research interests in the Southern Ocean, please see
below a message I received about the ICED programme. If you would like
to be involved, please reply directly to Emma Cross, details below.
Best wishes,
Sian Henley
President, UK Polar Network
----- Forwarded message from -----
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:06:01 +0100
From: iced iced <>
Reply-To: iced iced <>
Subject: List of EU Polar Scientists
To: SF Henley <>
Dear Sian,
Please could you send a list of all EU Polar Scientists within the UK
Polar Network as we are trying to create a network of Polar Scientists
for the ICED programme ( It would also be useful if
the scientists could provide a brief summary of their research
interests in the Southern Ocean.
Many Thanks,
Emma Cross
Marine Ecologist
Ecosystems Programme
British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Rd
Cambridge, UK CB3 0ET
Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics
Ph: +1223 221231
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.