Please see below from the RGS, apologies for cross-posting.
Spatial Analysis Workshop
Sunday 20 November 2011, at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
The RGS-IBG Mapping Unit will be running an afternoon GIS and field
mapping 'Spatial Analysis Workshop'. The workshop is aimed at
expedition researchers who have gathered their field data and are
looking for guidance in kick-starting GIS analysis of their data.
The afternoon will be a practical session, to which you are asked to
bring your own expedition spatial data. The Mapping Unit can then help
to guide you in how your research could be manipulated, displayed and
Contact Geography Outdoors in advance with details of your project.
The team can then prepare resources tailored to your needs.
The afternoon will form part of Explore; the expedition and fieldwork
planning weekend <>.
Costs: £55 (incl. VAT) or free to pre-registered Explore delegates
Sian Henley
President, UK Polar Network
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.