I can help out with this if someone is willing to lead it.
Sounds like a good opportunity!
-----Original Message-----
From: UK Polar Network Mailing List [mailto:UKPN@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Allen Pope
Sent: 07 October 2011 17:10
Subject: Science and Technology Learning Saturday
Hey UKPN Folks around Cambridge,
See below, but this could be a good opportunity for a couple people to
put together a Science Festival - type activity for school groups
(which UKPN has experience doing). And maybe some BAS folks might be
able to get some kit/penguins/ice to bring along? We could do
slideshows, have people try on polar kit, do a "workshop" on building
a polar station, play with fake glacier goo, make maps of antarctica,
look at sea level rise, or many other ideas.
So - anybody keen to take lead on this? Or just want to participate if
somebody else can organise it? Let me know! Let's act on this soon
before the opportunity slips past.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Dean Catherine <CDean@Queenedith.cambs.sch.uk>
Date: 2 October 2011 17:42:07 GMT+01:00
Science and Technology Learning Saturday
Queen Edith is a large primary school in the South of Cambridge, which
is part of the Queens' Federation with the newly opened Queen Emma
Primary School. Queen Edith has more than 450 children aged 3 - 11
years old, including children with a wide range of different languages
and cultures.
On Saturday 28th January 2012 we will be holding a Science and
Technology Learning Saturday, from 10am - 3pm. This is where we invite
Queen Edith and Queen Emma children, and their families, to come and
experience hands on learning. We want children to have an exciting
day, providing them with many opportunities they would not otherwise
have the chance to experience. The aim is to motivate children to
become curious about Science and Technology, ask questions and pursue
their interests further in the future.
To make this possible we are asking for your help. We are contacting a
wide variety of local companies, societies and parents, who we think
would be able to run an activity, workshop or give demonstrations,
suitable for children aged between 3 - 11 years old. We would
appreciate any time you are willing to donate to us, whether it is
just one hour or a whole day. Teachers will of course be available
throughout the day to support you.
If you would like to be involved, or want to find out more
information, please contact me on cdean@queenedith.cambs.sch.uk. I
will be happy to answer any questions you have and I am also very
happy to help you tailor your particular skills to an activity for the
age range of our children.
This is sure to be a very exciting day, and we hope you are able to
join us to further develop Science and Technology at the Queens'
Yours sincerely,
Cathy Dean
Science co-ordinator and class teacher
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