Friday, October 7, 2011

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic

I am involved in a project "Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic" continuing the work from 2008 The intention is to identify and collect specific suggestions for policy and action regarding climate change vulnerability and adaptation in the Arctic. The project is funded by the Norwegian Ministries of Environment and Foreign Affairs, with the audience being the Norwegian government to advise them on what they could do regarding vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Arctic at local, national, and regional levels. We are seeking input from everywhere around the Arctic to ensure that wide perspectives and contexts are considered.

If you would wish to be involved, with opinions being most welcome, then options are:

1. Please reply to some or all of the questions below via email to me directly.

2. Please comment to this list.

3. Please let me know if you wish to chat via skype or me phoning you.

The questions are also available in Russian and Norwegian. Any answers might be reported in the public domain but you can choose whether or not to remain anonymous (if no indication is given, we assume that you prefer to be anonymous). We are seeking feedback by the end of October.

Thank you very much for any input,



Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic

Core questions

1. What would you suggest about specific policies and actions for vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Arctic?

(a) What is the policy or action?

(b) Who will implement the policy or action? Who is affected by it? Are local, national, and regional levels covered?

(c) On what timeframe should the policy or action be implemented? To what timeframe does it apply?

(d) What resources (time, money) are needed for those involved?

(e) Is your advice based on your own opinion (which is most welcome) or would you wish to provide supporting documentation?

2. Out of the policies and actions that you mentioned, which are really needed, being essential to survival of Arctic communities and peoples under climate change? Which are hoped for?


Demographic data (optional)

3. Do you wish to remain anonymous?

4. If not, then what data could you provide:

(a) Name

(b) Nationality/cultural background

(c) Contact information for follow ups (e-mail and telephone number)

(d) Place where living

(e) Place where working/position

(f) Interest in the Arctic (research? livelihood? personal experience?)


If you wish to provide more information (optional)

5. What is your interest in and knowledge about Norway's Arctic policies and actions focused on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change?

6. Do you have any specific geographic interests in the Arctic (examples could be regions, countries, islands, towns, districts, counties, or however else you wish to describe you place-based interests).

7. Do you have any specific sectoral interests in the Arctic?

8. Within the specific geographic and sectoral interests you have mentioned, what are, the greatest climate change challenges and opportunities?