Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Tales from the poles

❄️ Calling Polar Early Career Researchers (ECR) willing to share their tales from the polar regions. ❄️

 📚 UKPN and APECS Netherlands would like to collate a book with stories/poems/haiku's et al. from the poles.


🧊 Have you spent time at either pole between field work, living on a research station or on board a research vessel?


✏️ If you are willing, please use the form to share with us a short account (or multiple accounts) from your polar experience. Be creative and feel free to include anecdotes or descriptions that will help the polar regions come to life in the public's imagination.


🔗 Link to survey.


🌎 The aim of the book is to serve as a tool for prospective researchers and to unite current and past scientists from different stations.


We would like to publish this collation of stories as an e-book and a printed copy by December 2025.


📷 Please send any extra photos to:

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