Thursday, December 12, 2024

5 fully-funded PhD studentships in Antarctic Geosciences at the University of St Andrews

Good morning UKPN,

The University of St Andrews have many exciting and fully-funded PhD projects in Antarctic geoscience—we encourage motivated candidates to reach out and enquire further with the lead supervisors, and to apply! We particularly welcome applicants from non-traditional and minority backgrounds to consider applying. 

Deadlines for IAPETUS-listed studentships are 03 January 2025, and 14 February 2025 for St Leonard's College studentships. 

1. IAPETUS: How does ice flow enhancement and rearrangement impact the West Antarctic Ice Sheet? This project will combine ice-penetrating radar analysis and ice sheet modelling frameworks to constrain the ice flow history of the Weddell Sea sector to assess the implications of the future evolution of the larger West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Lead supervisors: TJ Young (St Andrews), Neil Ross (Newcastle), Carlos Martin (British Antarctic Survey)

2. IAPETUS: Quantifying variations in Southern Ocean primary productivity over the last 2000 years from Sulfur Isotopes in Antarctic Ice cores. This project has two major aims: calibration of the sulfur isotope proxy from snow and firn samples over recent time periods where satellite observations of ocean productivity and volcanic gas emissions are available and (2) reconstruction of centennial to millennial changes in biological productivity over the last 2000 years. Lead supervisors: Andrea Burke (St Andrews), Liz Thomas (British Antarctic Survey)

3. IAPETUS: The Ocean's Evolution: Deciphering Circulation Changes Since the Last Glacial Maximum. This project aims to answer the following research questions: What changes took place in the ocean circulation between then and now, and what role did those changes play in creating the comparatively warm and stable climate that we have today? Lead supervisors Graeme MacGilchrist and James Rae (St Andrews), Paola Moffa-Sanchez (Durham)

4. St Leonard's College: Groundwater under Antarctica: Impact of deep subglacial groundwater on Antarctic ocean circulation. The objective of this project is to characterise the impact of recently-discovered active groundwater systems on the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the surrounding Southern Ocean. Lead supervisors: TJ Young and Graeme MacGilchrist (St Andrews)

5. St Leonard's College: Westerly winds overturning oceans. This project investigates what governs the strength of the southern westerly winds ("the roaring forties"), their empirical relationship between wind strength and latitude, what determines the position of major ocean currents in the Southern Ocean, and the response of the coupled atmosphere-ocean system at the southern mid-latitudes. Lead supervisors: Mike Byrne and Graeme MacGilchrist (St Andrews)

Please do forward these positions to anyone in your departments and networks that you think may be interested in these exciting opportunities.


Young Tun Jan | 楊敦然
Lecturer in Physical Geography & Remote Sensing
Admissions Officer, Geography & Sustainable Development
420 Irvine, University of St Andrews
Fife KY16 9AL, Scotland, United Kingdom

w: Personal website
t: +44 (0)1334 462 463
tw: @tjy511
