Friday, December 13, 2024

AtlantiS - berth applications are now open

Forwarded message that may be of interest to ECRs looking for ship-based field work experience. The deadline for applications is 5th January and the cruise will be on the James Cook (belonging to National Oceanography center (NOC)) in June 2025.


AtlantiS – berth applications are now open


Are you a student or Early Career Researcher seeking ship-based filed work experience? Berth applications are now open for the next AtlantiS PAP site expedition (JC278). Applications can be made by completing this form as well as the standard fellowships application. Visit the Atlantis website for full details.


Application deadline for JC278: 5th January 2025


With kind regards,




Jackie Pearson | Engagement and Partnerships Officer 
National Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH

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