Dear UKPN members,
We are running a free workshop before the start of the Arctic Sciences conference on 'Writing Successful Proposals: a guide for ECRs'. The workshop will be on the morning of the 11th of September at Loughborough University and will have lots of useful information for ECRs. It is also a great opportunity to build your Polar network and meet researchers from other disciplines.
More info can be found in the attached flyer and here: . The link to the registration form can be found here: Registration closes on the 8th of August 2019. The workshop will include lunch on the 11th of September and an optional evening networking session on the 10th.
We hope to see your there and we would really appreciate it if you could share this with your local ECR networks and relevant social media channels.
Any questions or queries do not hesitate to contact me or
Chelsey Baker
PhD Student
UK Polar Network Co-President
Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
European Way, SO14 3ZH