Tuesday, July 16, 2019

UK-Russia Arctic Bursaries Programme 2019 Launched

Dear UKPN Members,


Please see below an amazing opportunity to win a bursary to aid in developing UK-Russia research links.





Chelsey Baker

PhD Student

Co-President of the UK Polar Network

Website: https://chelseyabaker.wordpress.com/


Office: 344/31

Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems

University of Southampton

National Oceanography Centre


SO14 3ZH


Dear All,


I am delighted to say that the NERC Arctic Office and SIN Russia have launched the UK-Russia Arctic Bursaries Programme for 2019, funded by BEIS. The Programme provides bursaries of up to £7,000 to support new active engagement with Russia-based researchers in the Russian Arctic and High North before the end of March 2020. It is an exciting new opportunity for UK-based Arctic researchers to build new collaborations and partnerships.


We would be grateful if you could help promote the call widely via UKPN channels. Here is the link to the announcement and full details on how to apply https://www.arctic.ac.uk/news/uk-russia-arctic-bursaries-programme-2019/.