Monday, July 1, 2019

FW: Research in Svalbard: registration and travel support now open!

Good afternoon,


Registration is now open for a joint APECS workshop (Norway, Russia, UK) at the Svalbard Science Conference, November 2019. See below for further info!





Chelsey Baker

PhD Student

Co-President of the UK Polar Network



Office: 344/31

Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems

University of Southampton

National Oceanography Centre


SO14 3ZH


From: Grace Shephard <>
Sent: 01 July 2019 16:33
Subject: Research in Svalbard: registration and travel support now open!


Dear All,


We are pleased to announce that the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is organising a 1 day event "Research in Svalbard: An APECS Workshop​." The workshop is a side event for the Svalbard Science Conference (SSC), and aims to bring together early career and established researchers with any interest in research or field work on Svalbard.


Date: Monday 4th November  

Time: 0930-1900h 

Location: Tøyen Hovedgård, Oslo, Norway.

Cost: Free!


Travel and accommodation support is available (apply before 1st September). Early career SSC participants will be prioritised. All workshop participants are encouraged to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation. Lunch, breaks and tapas provided.


Registration, abstract submission, and travel applications:​ 


Please help spread the word! Flyer attached.



Grace Shephard.

(on behalf of the APECS Norway, APECS Russia, UK Polar Network organizing committee)