Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sir Julian Huxley Lecture 2018 on Marine Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean, Linnean Society, London , Wednesday 7th November, 6:00 pm

Dear  all,

Sir Julian Huxley Lecture 2018 will be given by Dr Katrin Linse (British Antarctic Survey) on Marine Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean. The lecture will be held at 6:00 pm Wednesday 7th November 2018 at the Linnean Society of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BF. It is a free event. The meeting is open to visitors and wine will be served after the lecture to members and guests.

Free ticket reservation:

Sir Julian Huxley Lecture 2018


Marine Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean


Dr Katrin Linse, Senior Scientist Biodiversity

British Antarctic Survey

The Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica is a unique, cold and deep environment where water temperature can be below -2°C and marine life adapted to these conditions. The marine benthic biodiversity is characterised by an unusually high number of endemic species, which evolved in line with Antarctica's past tectonic and climate history. Research of the last two decades discovered not only how many species live in the Southern Ocean, how marine life survived past climate change events and how they might cope with recent the one but also located "new" Southern Ocean ecosystems, e.g. under-ice habitats, methane seeps and hydrothermal vents. These hosted undiscovered species with unique adaptations in anatomy and ecology. As the global interest in marine resources like fisheries and hydrocarbons is also reaching the Southern Ocean, our assessment of its marine benthic biodiversity is important for the designation of Marine Protected Areas in these waters. In the talk Dr Linse will comment why correct species identifications are important not only for research in the footsteps of Linneaus and Darwin but also for marine policy.

The photo is copyright of NERC, ROV Isis from the ChEsSO JC80 expedition