Dear UKPN members,
Are you planning to attend the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington this year? Are you interested in learning from, and being inspired by, Cryospheric scientists at complementary career stages to yourself? If so then #CryoMentoring is for YOU!
The AGU Cryosphere Executive Committee invites sign-ups for it's CryoMentoring programme via the link below. You can volunteer to be a mentor, a mentee or even both! You will be assigned a mentor/mentee inline with the information you provide through the link before arrival in Washington. We have arranged dedicated #CryoCoffee areas during the morning coffee breaks throughout the week of the fall meeting for mentors and mentees to meet up, discuss science, career paths etc. It is our hope that during these brief #CryoCoffee meet-ups you will make additional plans for continued interaction throughout the week, for example lunch/dinner plans or other general hang outs.
AGU Cryosphere are delivering a #CryoGives100 programme as part of centennial celebrations and what better way to give 100 minutes of your time than by mentoring junior colleagues?
Sign up HERE and we'll see you in Washington!
Amber Leeson, Joanna Carey and the Cryosphere Executive Committee.
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