Apologies for a small typo: the next UKPN meeting will be on the 5th May from 6-7 PM (this is a THURSDAY)! Hopefully this clears up some questions on y'alls end…
I (or one of the secretaries) will send out a GoToMeeting link once we finish organising...
TJ Young
Co-President (2015 - 2016), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge
TJ Young
Co-President (2015 - 2016), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge
Web: http://polarnetwork.org/committee/current-committee/young/
Email: tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Phone: +44 (0)1223 336574
We're social!
On 24 Apr 2016, at 11:13, TJ Young <tj.young@polarnetwork.org> wrote:Hi all,A notification from me to let all know that the next UKPN meeting will be on the 6th May from 6-7 PM--please do try to clear your schedules for this one hour. If you have anything that needs bringing up, please send the agenda points to Catherine :)See you then!TJ