ASSW 2017 – Call for Session Proposals
Organizers of the Arctic Science Summit Week 2017 in Prague (Czech Republic) on 31 March – 7 April 2017 are now accepting session proposals for the ASSW 2017 Science Symposium, entitled „A Dynamic Arctic in Global Change". The Science Symposium will be on 4-7 April 2017 and address the three sub-themes: (a) Changes in the Arctic, (b) Global Implications of Arctic Changes and (c) Impacts of Global Change on the Arctic. More information is available on the conference website:
An online form to submit session proposals, including a brief session description, the contact information of the proposed session conveners and other session details and suggestions for the meeting, is available here:
To facilitate the participation of early career scientists and indigenous peoples, the organizers recommend that each session proposal includes one early career scientist co-convener and/or one indigenous co-convener, if applicable. Session proposals should also consider the overall geographic and gender balance of the proposed co-conveners.
The tasks of the conveners include:
- soliciting submissions for their session;
- reviewing the abstracts submitted for the session;
- working with the Scientific Steering Committee to arrange the program of their session, including oral and poster presentations and
- chairing the session.
Depending on the session proposals received, the Scientific Steering Committee will possibly have to merge similar sessions.
Session proposal can be submitted until 30th June 2016. Lead conveners will be notified in July and the final list of sessions will be announced September 2016. Abstract submission will open on 1st October 2016 with a submission deadline not earlier than 30th November 2016 and notification of acceptance after 15th January 2017.
ASSW 2017 Scientific Steering Committee
Josef Elster, University of South Bohemia – Local Host, Conference Chair
Alex Bernardova, University of South Bohemia – Local Host, Conference Manager
Renuka Badhe, European Polar Board (EPB)
Hanne Christiansen, International Permafrost Association (IPA)
Jim Drummond, Forum of Arctic Research Operators (FARO)
Sung-Ho Kang, The Pacific Arctic Group (PAG)
Kirsi Latola, The University of the Arctic (UArctic)
Maarten Loonen, Ny-Ålesund Science Managers Committee (NySMAC)
Vladimir Pavlenko, International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
Volker Rachold, International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) – ex officio
Peter Sköld, International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA)
Jannie Staffansson, Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples Secretariat (IPS)
Tun Jan Young, Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)