Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Re: NERC ATSC - BAS Arctic Course 2016

A reminder that you've not got too long left to apply to this course- I did it last year and would highly recommend!


Sammie Buzzard
PhD Student- Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling
UKPN Co-President

On 6 Apr 2016, at 11:33, TJ Young <> wrote:

Dear UKPN,

Some of you maybe aware of the NERC funded ATSC course we ran last year - "A skills framework for delivering safe and effective fieldwork in the polar regions".  The good news is that BAS have been successful in securing funding to run the course again this year!

16 fully funded places are available for UK registered PhD students and early career researchers, with training taking place in both Cambridge and the Arctic.

The attached flyer has more information and details on how to apply - please feel free to circulate to friends and colleagues who may be interested and eligible!

The closing date for applications is 4pm, Monday 25th April 2016. Please contact Ali Teague <> for more information. 

Best regards,



TJ Young

Co-President (2015 - 2016), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge

We're social! 

<ATSC Flyer 2016 V5.pdf>