Hi Everyone,
An important date for your diaries: The UKPN Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 2 pm on Wednesday the 4th April, in the Geography Department, University of Sheffield.
If you have been thinking about becoming more involved with UKPN this is the ideal time to find out more, to take up a position on the committee, and to bring your own ideas for future events to the table.
· Free lunch provided before the meeting (1.15 pm), which gives you the opportunity to network or catch up with a few old faces!
· Introduction to UKPN and a quick overview of last year’s events
· Update on events currently in the pipeline for 2012
· Introduce those who currently volunteer on the committee and welcome new committee members
· Open discussion about possible future events (and funding!) Please bring your ideas and suggestions!
This is a really informal meeting, so please come along, get involved and meet some of the amazing early career Polar scientists working in the UK and with UKPN!
Please RSVP if possible (eeamd@leeds.ac.uk) so I can get an idea of numbers for lunch, but don't be afraid to just turn up if it’s a last minute decision.
Best wishes and looking forward to seeing you,
Aisling Dolan
UKPN secretary
Travel information can be found here http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/geography/about/travel.html
The meeting will be following on from the UKPN Modelling in Polar Sciences Workshop (2nd-4th April, University of Sheffield – email j.kingslake@sheffield.ac.uk for further details).
Aisling M. Dolan
PhD Student in Palaeoclimatology
School of Earth & Environment
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085
Email: eeamd@leeds.ac.uk
Homepage: http://homepages.see.leeds.ac.uk/~eeamd/
Arctic Science Conference: http://www.ukarcticscience.org/
UK Polar Network: http://www.polarnetwork.org/new/