Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Software Carpentry workshops: software development skills for researchers

Dear UKPN members,

Please find below an advert for a couple of free two-day Software Carpentry workshops, designed to give researchers a foundation in the principles of software development.

Hopefully this might be useful to some of you!

Best wishes,
Kathryn Rose


Software Carpentry workshops: software development skills for researchers

Software development is now a fundamental part of the day-to-day activities of many researchers. Yet often PhD students and early-career researchers have to learn for themselves how to build, validate, maintain, and share complex programs. This can lead to big problems later, when others try to build on their research. To address this, Software Carpentry aims to teach scientists how to build the software they need for their research in an efficient, systematic way, and so maximise the impact of their research.

We are running two-day Software Carpentry workshops at two UK universities in April and May, followed by 4-8 weeks of self-paced online learning. The workshops will take place at:

- University College London: Monday 30 April and Tuesday 1 May;
- Newcastle University: Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 May.

and will cover topics including:

- using the shell to do more in less time
- using version control to manage and share information
- basic Python programming
- how (and how much) to test programs
- working with relational databases

The online follow-up goes into these topics in more detail, and also touches on program design and construction, matrix programming, using spreadsheets in a disciplined way, data management, and software development lifecycles.

There is no charge to attend, but places at the bootcamp will be allocated with the aim of a balanced spread of subjects and geographical areas of the attendees. We strongly encourage learners to attend with colleagues - ideally we would like teams of 3 to 6 members
- and we will give preference to teams including one more knowledgeable member who is interested in organising further training at their own institution.

For more information and to register, visit the web page for the relevant event, or e-mail the local organisers:



Places are limited, so please register your interest before March 23rd.

Neil Chue Hong
Director, Software Sustainability Institute EPCC, University of Edinburgh, JCMB, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)131 650 5957

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