This summer school may be of interest to many of you. Please contact
AWI directly if you wish to attend.
Many thanks,
Sian Henley
President, UK Polar Network
From: Volker Rachold []
Sent: 05 March 2012 19:09
To: No-Reply
Subject: International Summer School on Climate Change in the Marine Realm
Dear Colleagues,
Enclosed please find an announcement for an "International Summer
School on Climate Change in the Marine Realm", organized by the Alfred
Wegener Institute (AWI) for Polar and Marine Research at the AWI
Wadden Sea Station on the island Sylt and at the University of Bremen
on 10-24 September 2012.
Telegrafenberg A43 - 14473 Potsdam - Germany<> - +49-331-2882214 -<>
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