Monday, March 28, 2011

APECS Networking Event at EGU 2011 - please join us!

Dear UKPN,

**Networking event: Tuesday 5th April, 20:30 at Café Einstein, Vienna**

For those of you attending the EGU General Assembly meeting in Vienna next week, there is a brilliant opportunity for networking being organised by APECS and Network YES (Young Earth Scientists).

This networking event will be held on Tuesday 5th April at Café Einstein ( and will provide a fantastic opportunity to meet Polar early career scientists and young Earth Scientists from around the world. Drinks and nibbles will be provided to facilitate networking, so please join in what promises to be a really fun evening.

We will meet at Café Einstein at 20.30, but the networking event will directly follow the YES Network -APECS Townhall Meeting at 19.00. This meeting is on Career Development: How Can We Integrate Graduate and Employer Needs? Further details below - so please come along!

Hope to see as many of you there as possible!

Kind regards,

Aisling Dolan (UKPN and APECS), Inès Borrione (APECS) and Jo Venus (YES President)

The EGU 2011 APECS-YES networking event has been kindly sponsored by SCAR and AGU.

TM4 - Career Development: How Can We Integrate Graduate and Employer Needs?

Date: 5 April 2011
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 (Vienna, Austria)

This townhall meeting will aim to address some of the key factors in aligning graduate aspirations with employer needs. We will have a panel of speakers that include representatives from geoscience early-career networks (e.g. YES Network -, and the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists - ), representatives from geoscience employers, recent geoscience graduates, and current geoscience students.

We will be drawing on experience and knowledge gleaned from the YES Network's Decision Points survey that has been running since late 2010. This meeting will not only identify aspirations and requirements, but also aims to improve graduate-industry communication via future actions identified during this meeting.

The town hall meeting will be a live web-cast. Web-based participation is free. Registration details are posted on the YES Network's website:

Aisling M. Dolan
PhD Student in Palaeoclimatology

School of Earth & Environment
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085