In case there are some of you not on the APECS list, I wanted to pass
along this great opportunity for a field school in Svalbard this
summer. Deadline coming up soon!
Dear APECS Members
We would like to bring to your attention the 2011 IPY Polar Field
School in Svalbard, which will run for the third consecutive year from
20th June - 8th July 2011, and has become a true legacy of the IPY.
The course will address environmental change in the Arctic and
Antarctic through a series of lectures and field excursions. The
program is interdisciplinary and includes geology, glaciology,
meteorology, terrestrial/marine biology, permafrost and the human
dimension in the polar regions, with particular focus on research
conducted during IPY 2007-2009. The course intends to utilize science
data obtained as a part of The International Polar Year (IPY)
2007-2009, and is a collaborative initiative between IPY Norway, UNIS,
UArctic and the Association of Early Career Polar Scientists (APECS).
The course is hosted by the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and
is open to undergraduate and early graduate students. The registration
fee is low, and some funding is available for travel support. This is
a fantastic opportunity to be exposed, and to be a part of polar
research in a high-Arctic environment.
The deadline for applications is the 1st April 2011.
More information, including how to apply, is available here (the
movies are worth a look!):
The application deadline is fast approaching, so make sure you get
applications in quickly...
Thanks -
Gram Simpkins and Sean Buchanan - APECS Field School Network Coordinators
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