Monday, October 23, 2023

Re: Navigating funding and fieldwork event

Hi Millie,

I hope you are doing good.
My colleagues and I from the ALDER network at the BES were wondering if you would be up for writing a piece for our quarterly magazine The Niche following your workshop/panel discussion on "Navigating funding and fieldwork". 
We think it would be super useful for our readers and members to have a better overview of funding opportunities and all things fieldwork.
Please let me know if that or any alternative would work for you and let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

On Mon, 9 Oct 2023 at 07:01, Millie Harding <> wrote:

Dear UKPN members, 

This is a reminder to sign up for the fieldwork and funding event at Durham on October 14th 2023. This is open to all polar scientists in all natural and social sciences.

The workshop is open to everyone and will cover the full process of deciding to go on fieldwork to submitting a grant. Also Dr Julian Martin from the RGS will speak virtually about the RGS grants and the process of applying to those. 

After the main workshop there will be a panel discussion for those who are LGBTQ+ and ethnic minority Polar researchers to discuss going on fieldwork and the issues faced in particular by those groups. There is funding for those who are part of LGBTQ+/ethnic minority communities to cover costs for attending the event so please come along!

Please sign up below:



EDI Officer 2023/24

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