Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Survey on the lived experiences of women on polar fieldwork

Dear UKPN members, 

I'm sending on the below survey, created as part of a working group featuring some of the UKPN leadership team - please do take the time to fill it out if it is relevant to you.

Best wishes, 

We are an international research collective of PhD students and APECS members, the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists. We are working together on a review article as part of a collaboration between the journal PLOS Climate with members of APECS. Our article aims to identify recent developments and critical points of action within polar research, and proposes strategies to remove barriers to participation and improve the experiences of women in polar fieldwork. 

By filling out this survey you would help us document and gather empirical evidence on the polar fieldwork experience of researchers who identify as women. Filling in the survey takes about 5 to 15 minutes and will be completely anonymous. Thank you in advance!

Eleanor Maedhbh (Ellie) Honan (she/her)
PhD Candidate at Durham University and the British Antarctic Survey 

Department of Geography | Durham University | Durham | DH1 3LE | UK

ANTSIE  eleanor.m.honan@durham.co.uk
UK Polar Network eleanor.honan@polarnetwork.org
I sometimes send emails outside of standard working hours. I do not expect others to do so.