Hello everyone,
I am in the process of organising the Antarctica Day flag competition for this year and I was wondering if any of our previous flag bearers are heading to or near Antarctica this year? Or if anyone would like to take on the challenge of photographing some school flags whilst you are there?
Website info: https://polarnetwork.org/education-and-outreach/antarctica-day-2022/
Every year since 2015 schools have sent flags to Antarctica as part of the UKPN competition, for the last two years Jenny Arthur has contacted you whilst I have dealt with the school side of things – so a big hello and thank you from me if you have participated in this before.
This is a wonderful piece of outreach work and we have had some fantastic photos sent back from Antarctica. We have had a lot of schools register this year, so it may be our biggest year ever, therefore we would really appreciate help from anyone who thinks they may be able help.
If you haven’t participated before, we will send you PDFs of student flags to take photographs of in Antarctica – these can be pictures with you in them or just the picture with the scenery in the background. We have had some very creative photos in the past! So feel to get very creative too! Once the photographs are taken they are sent back to us and we then send them onto the schools with a certificate saying where the photo was taken.
If you are travelling to Antarctica in the coming weeks/months and do feel that you can take part in this project please can you email me back with the following details:
Accessible email address for when you are away:
Location you are heading to:
How many flags you think you could photograph whilst you are there:
Your job role:
When you are travelling/returning:
If you aren’t going (and have read this far!) but you know people who are, please could you pass this onto them.
Many thanks
UK Polar Network
Fiona Old
Head of Geography