Dear colleagues,
I am excited to announce several openings for PhD studentship positions in fields related to glaciology/glacial geomorphology/glacial sedimentology at the University of Aberdeen and Queen’s University of Belfast. They are fully funded through the NERC QUADRAT Doctoral Training Programme. Some of these projects may be of interest to members on this list, so please pass this on to interested students. Further enquiries should be directed to the lead supervisor of each individual project.
“Ice and fire: exploring relationships between glaciers, volcanoes and climate”
Supervised by Matteo Spagnolo (Aberdeen) and Donal Mullan (Belfast).
“Ice streams: present-to-palaeo”
Supervised by Brice Rea (Aberdeen) and Andrew Newton (Belfast).
“YODASLAMS: YOunger DryAs Stadial Landform DynAMicS in Ireland”
Supervised by Rory Flood (Belfast) and Matteo Spagnolo (Aberdeen)
“Geotechnical Properties of Glacial Tills: Engineering and Environmental Applications”
Supervised by David Hughes (Belfast) and Brice Rea (Aberdeen)
“Sedimentary Records of the Evolution of the Melville Bugt Ice Stream”
Supervised by Andrew Newton (Belfast) and Brice Rea (Aberdeen)
The application deadline for all proposals is the 31st JANUARY 2019, with an anticipated start in October 2019.
With best wishes,
Andrew Newton
Queen’s University Belfast